Chapter 6

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As the sun started to set, the sky grew darker, and the window curtains swayed with every light breeze.

Shikadai gazed out the window endlessly. Lost in his thoughts. He thought about what went wrong. What caused him to be like this. Why?

He looked down at his fingers, as he messed with them. His eyes became dull. Remembering everything that happened in the past few months. His mother left him, he tried to kill himself, Ended up sending Boruto to the hospital, and now he's here.

'It must be karma.' he thought. Bringing up his hands to his face. He wore a menacing look on his face. His hands covered his eyes not wanting to look at himself anymore seeing nothing, but a mistake.

He started to drift off to sleep for a moment, but was woken up by the sound of the door. It was Sakura. "Oh Shikadai. I didn't think you'd still be awake at this hour." She says softly. "Well I was about to, but you woke me up." He said quietly. "Oh! I'm sorry Shikadai, I only came to put your medicine on the table for you to take in the morning." Sakura told him.

"Oh. Okay then" Shikadai said turning his head back towards the open window, staring at the stars. "The sky is beautiful, right Shikadai?" Sakura asked him looking out the window as well. "Yeah.." He answered. Shikadai never really had the time to admire the sky.

Every time he went home he was yelled at or hit, and he'd just go to his room and cry himself to sleep. But now maybe with Temari gone, he can see more, feel more. Maybe he can be free.

After a few minutes Sakura left Shikadai alone, and he fell asleep shortly after. He enjoyed the time spent with her, wishing she was his mother rather than Temari. He envied Sarada. She was lucky to have a mom like her.


It was officially morning. The sky was a bright blue, with not a single cloud in the sky. This is what people would call the perfect day.

Shikadai rubbed his eyes as he woken up, fixing his vision before looking around and seeing Sakura with his medicine. "Ah, Goodmorning Shikadai. I came to give you your medication." She said with her usual bright smile "Thank you.." Shikadai muttered quietly taking the dose of medicine Sakura had given him.

"Oh yeah! Here's some good news after today you can go home!" Sakura says. All I could do was shake my head. If I'm being honest I prefer being here in her presence rather alone in a place I'd rather stay far away from.

Sakura looked at me once more "Are you okay?" She asked him "Yeah.. I'm fine" Shika said. Sakura nodded before giving him a gentle smile leaving Shikadai alone.


Inojin waited outside the hospital. Battling his thoughts. Wondering if he should go in and see him or not.

His thoughts was cut short after hearing someone call his name. "I-inojin..?" It was Hinata. She was there with Himawari.

"Ah! I'm sorry. Hello Hinata, what are you doing here?" Inojin asked her "We're here to pick up boruto, and you?" She said 'Oh yeah. I kinda forgot Boruto was in the hospital as well.' He thought before answering "I'm here to visit Shika." He chuckled.

"Oh well tell him I said hi!" She says "I will-" Inojin says before noticing Himawari tug on his shirt. "Hmm?" Himawari looked up at him "Can we talk later? It's really important." She asks "Yeah sure."I tell her before she goes to go catch back up to her mom.


Inojin stood by the entrance for another few minutes before finally making up his mind to go see Shikadai.

He opened the door to the entrance, and was greeted by one of the ladies in the lobby.

He signed a couple of papers before going to Shikadai's room number 318. It was on the third floor.

He proceeded up the stairs until he reached his room. Inojin was hesitant at first before grabbing the door handle he opened it slowly, and saw Shikadai looking out the window.

Inojin just stared. It was almost like he couldn't move. He looked at Shikadai, seeing him truly at peace. It wasn't something he'd thought he would see any day.

Any other time he saw him. He could tell that deap down he was hurting, every time he was thought to be at peace he wasn't. It was all fake.

Once Inojin felt he was able to move he did. He took small quiet steps toward Shikadai amazed by him. He crept to the side of his bed and slowly sat down waiting for Shikadai to notice him.

Shikadai was startled by Inojin's sudden appearance. He stared at him not knowing what to say. Inojin looked at him gently "Hey Shika.." Inojin says in a soft gentle tone.

"I-I.. Inojin.. I'm sorry..," Inojin raised a brow "Why are you apologiz-" He was cut off by Shikadai slamming his bandaged up hands on his shoulders with tears forming in his eyes putting his head down "I'm sorry! I let you down! I broke our promise! I didn't mean to, I don't know what happened I just-" Shikadai screamed.

Inojin stared blankly as Shikadai continued to scream and cry apologizing to him.

Shikadai would sit there crying his heart out. Screaming and begging for forgiveness. All Inojin could think to do was hug him, so that's what he did.

Inojin hugged him tightly with small tears crawling down his eyes. "Shikadai.. it's okay..," Shikadai hugged him back digging his nails into Inojin's skin not wanting to let him go.

"As long as you're trying your best to stop.. it's okay.. just like most people say not all alcoholics can quit in a day you know?" Inojin said with a small chuckle following behind.

A small and quiet laugh came from Shikadai. "Y-yeah.." He smiled.

We both sat there comforting each other. Right by the window.




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