A/N & 1: Intros and Changes

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Hi there my wonderful friends! I am back with a twist on an old book of mine. Looking back at how old I made Catalina, I'm beginning to think I wrote it way sooner than I originally thought. In the original, Cat was fourteen, I usually make my characters around the same age as I am at the time so maybe I was thirteen or fourteen when I first came up with this? Who knows!

Anyway, going back to the train wreck was a blast from the past and girl, it desperately needed to be revised! So here is the third revision/rewrite. Both the original and majorly shortened school appropriate versions are still available. I don't have a set schedule on when I will be updating this, because I am still a college student and work, but bear with me!

*** I also wanted to add, all characters in sexual content are of age and consenting. The only underage characters are Catalina's younger siblings.

Also, I want to make note that C0viD doesn't exist in this book so there will be no quarant1n1ng or vacc1nat1ons or anything of the sort!

I hope all of you lovely people stay safe and enjoy this rewrite! I apologize in advance for how long this chapter is, I am just so excited to rewrite this!


January 2021

I haven't heard from or seen Harley in three days. All of my failed FaceTime calls and 'Delivered' texts from what feels like eons ago, is unsettling. I have a stack of school work that he's missed but I guess he will get that later. It's not like him to go MIA and not tell anyone- especially me.

It's also unlike like him to not drop off my favorite macchiato either, as he does every morning. Not that that matters right now... although I am running on zero sleep, stress, and nail biting. My eyes have been glued to my phone for the majority of the three days in hopes he'll call.

We've known each other since we were four, he shared his Goldfish with me at the park and we instantly hit it off. Our parents became close friends as well. Due to our close friendship and kind neighbors, they've allowed us a dirt path spanning behind the houses in the woods. It isn't much, but we've ran the unfinished path so many times the grass stopped growing there. The path follows from my house, across two houses, then Harley's.

Harley currently lives with his four brothers. Their father was killed two weeks ago and from what Dad says, he had it coming. From what Harley said, he didn't have a mean bone in his body and didn't deserve what happened to him. To not choose sides, I stay out of both conversations when they bring it up. The way Mr. Wilkes was killed, it was a crime of passion. I'm sure of it.

While I am explaining things I guess I should start with an introduction. So since you may or may not be new here... hi, my name is-

"Cat, let's get training done before the storm comes!" Dad exclaims from the bottom of the staircase. "Let's go, now!"

Catalina Richards. Or Cat, for short! Or Kit-Cat, as Harley likes to call me.

I hurry down the stairs and grab my bow and quiver filled to the brim with arrows. I follow Dad outside and down our path made of slate. The slate ends at the shed, past the target is where the dirt path begins.

Dad sighs when we pass the shed, he pauses and hangs his head. He grits his teeth and clenches his jaw as he recollects the events from that day. Everyone blames me, especially him. Hell, I even blame myself. I couldn't stop it, I couldn't fix it, and a life was taken because of me.

Since that day, I am forced to train even more. I have to practice self-defense and target practice. I have to be ready in case it were to happen again. It's highly unlikely considering huge dogs don't just come out the woods and attack people. But I have to hand it to Dad, I should be ready in case it happens again.

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