Second meet part 3

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Ticci Toby

"What's the matter freak!? Getting tired aren't we?"

The popular girl and her goons laughed as they chased you. You were crying as you ran. Today was really bad and before you could walk home your bullies wanted to hurt you even more. You ran into the forest. When you thought things couldn't get worse they did. You tripped and then screamed. You ankle broke and you were cornered. The leader smirked and brought out her phone.

"Say hi to the internet freak."

The shortest one came up to you but before anything else a hatchet and chopped off her head. The others girl screamed while your eyes widen, recognizing the hatchet you held your held close, closed your eyes and waited for the screams to stop. Once it did you looked up to see blood everywhere and Toby standing in the middle of it while cleaning his hatchets. You cleared your throat and he walked up to you.

"A-Are you alright Y/N?"

You nodded and tapped the side of your thigh. You tried standing up but the pain was killing you. Toby took off his jacket that was covered in blood and put down his hatchets. His picked you up and brought you to the nearest clinic. You two didn't speak but it was clear, he was going to protect you.


It had been a week since you first met Brian. Now every day he would come in at the same time, order your cupcakes, wait for you to finish and walk you home. You didn't ask him to do so but it felt nice. So one day instead of leaving he asked if he could stay with you for the night. You nodded, it didn't really bother you anymore and Brian was happy.

"So which movies horror or comedy?" He asked while you prepared the popcorn.

"Comedy!" You said like it was the obvious thing in the world.

Brian pouted but put on a comedy movie anyway. You chuckled at that and sat next to him. The two of you had an enjoyable time, laughing now and then; no you two couldn't stop laughing. Once in a while you paused to take a bite of popcorn but it was mostly laughing at each other or the movie. The all powerful feeling rose but it didn't reveal itself yet. That would have to wait.


It was lunch when suddenly you heard a knock. You got up and peaked through the eye hole. It was Masky. You had done research so you were cautious but then remembering that he couldn't kill you, you decided to let him in.

"Hey Y/N- wait are those?" Stopping in mid sentence he looked at the small boxes on your counter.

You giggled, liking his shocked expression and nodded. He shook his head like a dog and looked at you in disbelief. You merely shrugged and invited him to lunch. As the time went on you two were in fits of giggles and laughter. Masky had never met someone who can make him smile and put him in place other than his best friend and his boss and you never met someone who can make you smile other than your family and best friend. It was a match made in heaven. One problem though....

"You smoke!?"

"It's not a big deal!!"

"Burn those immediately!!"

"But I need them!!"

"Hell no!!"

The Pianist

As promised you guys met up once more. This time the music was magical and mesmerizing. You two talked after the song was over. Cliché as it sounds you guys were closer than anything else in the world. There was no denying, you two were simply meant to be.

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