Chapter four

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Masky pov

As the cold wind flowing through the night, sat down on a rock and facing the other direction of Toby, who is standing behind me.

"Hey masky, how you doing, hey masky, feeling cool, hey masky, masky, hey masky", annoying Toby twitching behind me. I flip the bird at him, and start gaving him silent treatment. I feel Toby hand stroking my hair, I suddenly smack his hand away.

My face wouldn't stop blushing, trying to avoid Toby, but when he touch me, my heart starts beating fast, and my face keep turning red."Hey masky I got a question", as he lean close to my ear."what face are you making under your mask" blows in my ear "ahh", I jump and fell off the rock. What sound did I just make just now, Toby standing in front of me and stare directly down on me.

As I almost got up, I was push down hard. Toby was on top of me, hold me down with one hand and other hand pulling off his mouth guard."Man, I can't not hold back anymore, heh I'm going to make you so good right now!" Trying to push him off of me, "Oh hell , get off of me fatass". I got my hand lose and punch him hard in the face, but it didn't work."masky remember I cannot feel pain", with one of his hand holding down both my hands.

His cold gloves hands ripping off my pants. As he bite my nipples making me moan,"T-t-this is r-rape you know bas-tard" Licking his lips so what we're murderer duh" grabbing my mask off and gave my a kiss. Then his hand touching my *thing*, I felt weakening as he stroke his hand.

I felt like blanking out, he install his tongue and lifting my legs up, pulling my hips closer to his cock "WHAT IS THAT, WHY IT HARD" I ever been scared like this before. As he zip his pant " Don't worry it not going to hurts that much so moan louder " install his *thing* in me. I tearing up and yelled in pain, Toby started kissing my forehead gently."T-t-Toby p-please stop" as I moan, he go of my hands and I wrap my arms around him, " I'll be gentle okay" he said with a light voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2015 ⏰

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