Chapter 59 Friendly visit?!

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The Tate showed this time look much more decent than the one that Shu Xiaohui and the others had seen from the beasts' fortress. After all, the one that was bombed because of the crash of the spaceship, and only a green head was left.

At this time, the Tate on the screen was wearing a silver uniform. The green head had something like tree roots hanging on both sides of his face. His face was looked like a human, the biggest difference from humans was that the surface was covered green scales.

The man was smiling and spoke solemnly. After being deciphered and translated by Professor Wei, the words rang in the laboratory.

"Dear TY star system third planet person, I am Tambei, a diplomat sent by the Tate civilization. I came to the TY star system this time for a friendly visit to your planet. And to the Tate royal family Tamson accidentally falling on your planet is being discussed. Our clan wants to find the whereabouts of Tamson and his aircraft on your planet. Due to the anxiety of the Royal family and our people, we ask the ruling party of your planet to allow our clan to enter."

After hearing this, Shu Xiaohui clenched his paws and screamed angrily.

Squeak! To break-in, the aircraft of the Tate attacked the energy net. Now they pretended to be friendly? Hypocrisy!

And the Tate had thrown so many explorers on their planet, obviously more than the nine discovered by Professor Wei and Chen Chengduo. Those explorers must have sent back a lot of information about their planet.

Now they knew how their planet had been corrupted by the alien beasts, and they were so evasive that they didn't apologize but want to find their royal member.

When they found the body of the ugly Tate that was blown up, would they ask them to apologize?!

This was definitely the detour method because the energy net blocked their advance aircraft!

The hamster in the pocket was so angry that he jumped his feet. Chen Chengduo reached out and pressed his head, rubbing his head with his thumb, "Be good, don't be angry."

Shu Xiaohui crawled out along his hand and sat on his shoulder. But he was still angry looking at the Tate's face on the screen.

Professor Wei looked at Chen Chengduo, "What do you think?"  

Chen Chengduo frowned and asked, "Have you decoded the videos in the nine explorers?"

Professor Wei nodded, opened the player from another screen next to him, and released all the videos in the nine explorers.

Hmm... it naturally included the small box that Chen Chengduo found.

The video was shown in the upper left corner of the screen. The content was Shu Xiaohui absorbing the white light from the ground and turning into a human.


The hamster ball sitting on Chen Chengduo's shoulder froze for half a second after seeing the familiar scene, and instantly remembered something.

Squeak! When he transformed, he was naked...  

Professor Wei was also here!

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