Chapter Four

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Rebecca, having heard the threat began laughing hysterically, a hand on her chest as she struggled to stop herself from laughing. Lucille watched in anger as she rushed and punched Rebecca in the face. The attack sent Rebecca staggering backwards, her laughter ceasing almost immediately after impact. She growled and went in for a punch of her own when all of a sudden, her fist was caught by Lucille, who moved her own hands further up Rebecca's arm, twisting and turning it, sending shockwaves of pain through Rebecca's nerves, causing her to tense up. She threw her other hand to Lucille, doing her best to get out of her grasp, soon resorting to her knees, feeling her kneecap make gut-busting impact with her stomach, causing Lucille to release and catch her breath before being hit with a series of harsh punches and kicked from the trained fighter.

"You shouldn't have started this fight, bitch!" Rebecca exclaimed, using her brute strength to lift the dazed Lucille onto her shoulders before sprinting to a nearby building wall. Lucille slipped away at the last second, landing on her feet as Rebecca turned from the wall before making impact. "I overlook an empire, spanning city after city in America. You? All I read is spoon-fed bimbo with stage training and mommy issues" Rebecca taunted Lucille, watching her rush to her.

"Shows what you know!" she said as she went for a punch before catching Rebecca off-guard by sliding through her opened legs, swiping at her ankles and knocking her down to the floor, her face bouncing off the concrete. As soon as Lucille picked herself up, she reached down and wrapped her arms around the mafia boss' neck, choking the now bleeding Rebecca.

Feeling no chance of escape, Rebecca tapped and growled as she hadn't felt defeat in a long time. Lucille let go and spat on her. "I have a personal mission. Get in my way again and you won't be let to live" she said as she walked away, leaving the incapacitated Rebecca on the ground in her own blood.

"Low life bitch! Who do you think you're talking to?" she said as she picked herself up from the ground, wiping blood from her face. "I come from a family of conquerors. A family that would have no issue executing you in the most public of places" she continued as Lucille turned and shook her head. Before she could make her exit, the police had made their way to the back of the hotel.

"Stop! You're both under arrest for the suspected murder of Markus Fieldhouse. Co-operate or we will open fi-" they were interrupted by a hail of bullets falling on the police. Lucille looked to Rebecca and growled, grabbing her arm and pulling her across the street, away from the distracted officers now fighting for their lives. Rebecca watched with confusion as she eventually pulled her arm free.

"Get that nursed, go back to your little base and stay out of my way" Lucille said as she walked once more. Rebecca looked to her as she made her exit, stopping her.

"Why did you help me?" she asked.

"You might have information I need and I'm not stupid enough to think that a life behind bars would have you be co-operative, princess" Lucille said, grinning as she gave a two-finger salute in a rather cocky fashion before leaving the area. Rebecca soon found herself standing alone, puzzled still by Lucille's actions. She looked around and began to make her way back to her base.

"Boss! Several of our men headed to the hotel when they noticed you leave. Where are they?" asked one of her loyal workers, being answered by a mere shrug before Rebecca spoke.

"Still fighting? In prison? Dead? It doesn't matter" she said as she made her way to the infirmary, sitting down before looking to the nurse. "Patch me up" she commanded, soon feeling stinging pains as her bleeding wounds were cleaned and stitched.

Hours passed. Rebecca had been sat in the briefing room alone when suddenly, she saw Lucille enter the room. She slammed paperwork on the table.

"Arthur and Mandy Rhodes. Where?" she asked, looking to Rebecca, a look of concern and anger on her face.

"Those names don't ring a bell. Sorry" she said in response, looking to the woman who both wounded her and saved her from life in prison. "And before you go around asking questions, my workers only know what I know" she continued as she looked up to her.

"Your face shows that you're telling the truth. I guess we can peacefully part ways" she said before taking her phone from her pocket, leaving a text with someone.

"Part ways? No, I can't afford to have a woman of your talent leave my employ. You stay" Rebecca commanded as she held Lucille by the chin, pulling her close. "Now, be a good girl and tell me why it is you defied me earlier. If I buy the story you give me, I might not punish you" she said, her tone softer and calmer than before. Lucille took a deep breath and swiped Rebecca's arm away.

"When I was young, my mom and dad put me up for adoption because I didn't act like a girl, wanting to be a police officer. I was left with my aunt and uncle at eight years old. Just when I thought that my dreams were accepted, masked men broke into my home and kidnapped them. I've been in the Government's employ with constant promises of updates on my aunt and uncle's location, but nobody I'm sent to apprehend or kill ever have the information I need. I just want to know that they're okay. Maybe then, I can live my life a little slower and much more peacefully" she explained to Rebecca, who listened to every word before nodding.

"I understand... but I refuse to lose someone as skilled as you" she said, turning to face a window. "N-now, get out of here. Your sob story's killed my vibe" she commanded, Lucille leaving seconds later. Just as the door shut, masked men entered the building and began to spray bullets everywhere, taking out anybody they saw.

"Spread out! Mrs Rhodes is somewhere here! She is not to be harmed! Kill anybody else in sight!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2021 ⏰

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