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In the bustling city of Redbarren in a fenced off building near the outskirts was a growing organisation of criminals that called themselves the Farr crime family. Overseeing the organisation was Rebecca Farr whose office overlooked the city. She turned her chair to face the window with a grin on her face as there was a sudden knock on the door. "Come in" she said, her voice raised enough for it to be heard from the other side. The door swung open slowly to reveal a man in a black and white suit approaching her desk.

"Ma'am, after searching the city, we've come across the market street and can see a dozen profitable organisations here within a one kilometre radius" the man explained to her, causing Rebecca to turn and face him.

"Good job, Desmond. Now go, I'll be in the briefing room in about half an hour" she said, he nods his head and leaves, closing the door behind him as she turns back to the window. She looked at the view, watching the traffic and citizens passing by before stepping away and leaving her office, watching from the top floor her many male workers doing various jobs from unloading trucks to maintaining a large assortment of weapons and carrying large piles of money into a large room on the second floor. She clears her throat and readies her voice to speak. "I have an assignment for those that are willing!" she said as she walked into a room labelled "Briefing Room" where she saw a man already in there. The man nodded to her

"Ma'am, I've seen to everything in this room and took the liberty of heating some water for your morning tea" he said as he proceeded to leave the room, only to be stopped by Rebecca.

"I'll need you in here, Kuma" Rebecca said with a grin as he nodded and took a seat as the room was suddenly filled with a swarm of Rebecca's workers. She looked to them and pointed to a large table covered by a town map. Several locations had been circled in red marker as she began to explain.

"We haven't been in this city for long, but I can tell that claiming whatever territory we can here will greatly improve our bottom line. Now, we need funding for this and what better way to acquire that funding than to have it paid directly to us?" she began, men surrounding the table as they looked at a marked location that she had her index finger pointed to. "This nightclub is a good start. All we need to do is... persuade the manager to pay us a percentage of his earnings in exchange for added security and a false promise of endorsement. Once we do that, we keep an iron grip on that establishment while we move onto the next. I'll go with three of you. The rest of you, stay on high alert and listen out for a call by me. Mess this up and I will have you executed in the harbour. Now, three and ONLY three of you... follow me once you're ready" she said, walking out of the briefing room and making her way out of the building, her black overcoat blowing in the rather high winds . She took this opportunity to calm herself. She reached into her coat pocket and pulled out a box of cigars and a lighter. Lighting the cigar, she placed it into her mouth and began to smoke. Her mind calmed as she looked around. Three men soon walked out, armed with handguns as they followed Rebecca, who tossed her cigar to the ground and walked to the nightclub with her followers.

As they got to the doorway, Rebecca watched as her men holstered their weapons before entering the building, seeing women dancing and men spectating. Drinks being served and the dozens of customers being satisfied by the people working there. "A very popular place. This'll do" she said as she walked in before one of her men pointed to a middle-aged man on the top floor.

"That's the guy. Don Carter, he owns the nightclub around here and receives a large amount of his funding through unknown sources" one of her followers explained. She nodded as she took this information in and made her way up the stairs, leaning against the wall beside the manager's office entrance, hearing him talking to some of his workers before watching them leave the room. Rebecca nodded as she watched them leave. She signalled for her men to guard the room as she entered. He looked over at her and backed up quickly, stumbling back as items on the desk behind him fall to the floor.

"R-Rebecca!? What the hell are you doing in this town? GUYS, GET IN HE-" she grabbed him, punching him in the head hard enough to have him turn around before grabbing him once again, getting him in a sleeper hold.

"I came here on business, Don. Now shut up and hear me out, okay?" she said as she felt him struggle. Shaking her head, she moved her arms and slammed his head into the desk before picking him up. "What'll it take for you to co-operate, huh?" she asked, her voice soft as if she was in control of the situation.

"W-what do you want?" he asked, stuttering as he was busted open from her forcing his head into the desk. She smirked and turned him so that they faced each other.

"Glad you've had a change of heart. Now, this place seems to be thriving. All I want is a cut of the profit. I'd say about... 35% should be adequate" she said, watching him shake his head.

"I-I can't do that. The Stanson family owns this club and most of the business in this street. If he heard I turned on our deal, he'd-" she placed an index finger over his lips

"He'd not know what hit him because in exchange for our little business transaction, I'll be leaving some of my elite bodyguards to keep your hide safe and your business" she said. "Convinced?" she asked with a smirk. He nodded and panted, fearful of what she was capable of.

"It's a deal! 35% of my profit for your protection" he said in agreement before composing himself.

"Excellent, now keep to this or I'll be back for blood" she said, taking a glass of whiskey from his table and drinking from it. "Wow, you get the expensive stuff. I can't wait for our little chat to take full effect" she said as she left. She stepped out and grinned as she called for her men to follow. As they entered the car, they noticed a black car park outside. The driver strangely caught Rebecca's attention as they drove away.

"Boys? Did that driver look familiar?" she asked, seeing her men shrug. She sighed and lit a cigar, smoking in the car. "We have enough time. We'll hit up another place before we call it a day" she said to her men, being met with a "Yes, ma'am" by the three of them in unison. They pulled up outside the building to a sight that left Rebecca in shock. Littering the entrance of her base were several of her men, unconscious on the ground. She was both shocked to see the sight and angered that they were beaten. She growled and kicked each of them, watching them rise before pulling out a gun, shooting each of them in the head. She turned to the three that accompanied her. "Let that be a lesson to you too. I won't tolerate failure or insubordination" she said as she stepped inside.

Nothing had been taken or damaged. She made her way into the briefing room to find that everything was the same. She was perplexed. She had no idea what happened to her men and what else could have happened afterwards. She composed herself and went to her office.

"Transport more backup. I've lost men" she said before immediately hanging up, thinking about what could have potentially happened

"Whoever did this... whoever made a fool of me... I will find you... and I will break you..."

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