Chapter 1

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After an hour, Rebecca had composed herself and proceeded with her plans. She called her past three accomplices into the briefing room, entering in front of them before taking a deep breath.

"Alright, listen up! Despite this minor yet VERY egregious setback, we still have a job to do. That nightclub was only the beginning of the plan. In order to take this city, we need to begin one business at a time. Once we take enough, the Stanson family will see us as a threat and come for us. We take them out. We take Redbarren" she explained to her men, who listened to every word and nodded in agreement. She took a sip from a mug of tea before pointing down to a bar on the map, not too far from the nightclub they had visited prior. "Shipments come from here to the nightclub. If my hunch is correct as it usually is, we should find that the Stanson family owns this place as well. Let's go pay it a little visit" she said as they nodded once more and made their way over to the car once again.

As one of her subordinates drove to the bar, all that Rebecca could think about was the attack on her headquarters. She didn't have a clue as to who it could have been, nor what their intention was. She tried to forget about it, but it clouded her thoughts for a while. The driver pulled up and exited the car alongside the other two men with Rebecca leaving last. She took another cigar out and began smoking. Her men waited for her to finish, watching her toss the used cigar to the ground, stomping on it and grinding it into the ground before clearing her throat and entering the building

Despite the time of day, the bar was full of men and women from throughout the city, sitting at tables and counters, drinking and socialising with one another. She looked around and saw the owner's office in the back beside the bartender. She gave the order for her men to have fun as she entered the office, hearing him conversing with someone. She pressed her ear against the door and listened in, not hearing much special. She made her way in to see a woman with short, brown hair talking to the owner of the bar. The woman smiled and backed out of the room, waving to the boss who waved back.

"I heard what you did with the nightclub. You want the bar? You can have it. I'll even pay an even 50-50 split of the profit" he said. This took Rebecca off-guard who chuckled softly. She looked over to him with a hand on his shoulder.

"Wow, you sir have made my day much easier. Try to pay me next week and have a lovely day!" she said as she patted his back and left the room, feeling cold metal on the side of her head as soon as she stepped through the door.

"Thought you'd just take over the city without a fight? Kinda stupid" the woman said, sounding rather smug as she was suddenly kicked to the ground by the manager of the bar. The woman growled at him. "Idiot!" she said as she noticed Rebecca's men rush the office and attack the manager, one of them rushing over to the armed stranger. Pulling out a knife and swinging it at her, the mysterious woman deflected the blade and grabbed his wrist, turning the thug so that she was facing his back before grabbing him by the neck, her arms around his throat. After a few seconds of struggling, she harshly pulled her arms in opposite directions, snapping his neck before rushing to Rebecca, who had gotten up and fled outside.

As the woman got through the door, she was tripped up by Rebecca and sent tumbling face-first into the front window of her car, glass shattering as she pulled herself away slowly. Once she got back to her feet, Rebecca grabbed her by the back of her head and slammed it down onto the car's engine hood, watching her fall backwards in a daze. Rebecca panted, her adrenaline overwhelming her as she quickly grabbed a cigar, lit it and smoked near the incapacitated stranger. Her two remaining subordinates left the bar and checked on Rebecca before aiming guns at the woman.

"Just give the order and we'll pump her full of lead, ma'am" one of her subordinates said as she shook her head.

"Weapons down. I have some use for her" she said as she picked her up, loading her into the trunk of the vehicle before getting in, allowing her men to drive her back to the base. She looked behind her the entire time and pondered the possibility that this was the woman responsible for the attack on her base.

As her men pulled up and left the base, Rebecca opened the trunk to see that the woman was still out for the count. Dragging her from outside the car to a dank and dimly-lit room in her base. Sitting her in a wooden chair and tying her down with some nearby rope, Rebecca left the room and returned with her kettle pot. She stood over the woman, noticing an ID card in one of her pockets. She checked the card and noticed a badge above it and the name Lucille Rhodes. She smirked and poured scolding hot water onto the face of Lucille before watching her stir and awaken in agony.

"Where the hell am I!?" Lucille asked loudly, demanding an answer as Rebecca chuckled, watching the woman try to release herself from her restraints.

"Lucille Rhodes? Welcome to the Farr Crime Family home. I am Rebecca Farr and you? You'll soon be mine" she said, showing her own over-confidence as she stood over the restrained Lucille, who shook her chair, irritating Rebecca who slapped her across the face. "Now, I have some questions for me. Answer them and you'll be one step closer to safety. Refuse and I'll have to get mean~" she said, her right hand on one of the cheeks of her hostage. Lucille frowned and spat on her face, causing Rebecca to lose her composure, pulling out her gun, hitting her across the face with the barrel of one of her two prized pistols. "You don't disrespect your superiors like that, you stubborn bitch!" she said before taking a deep breath. "Now... let's try this again. Answer my questions and..." she paused to push the barrel of her handgun between Lucille's eyes, atop the bridge of her nose. "I won't blow your pretty little brains out" she said, a faint sadistic chuckle leaving her mouth as Lucille slowly began to comply.

"Fine. You want me to answer your stupid questions, then I will" she said, seeing another smirk on Rebecca's face.

"Very good... I can tell this is going to be fun.~"

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