A Bunch Of "What If's"

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  You'd expect when somebody have feelings for someone they would try to ease their way into telling them how they feel, especially for Bakugo you'd expect him with his bold personality, to be straight forward and get to the point. This was all new for Katsuki, all these feelings and wanting to be with someone was not in his vocabulary.  Not to mention to like Deku of all people was pretty shocking...kind of. Katsuki spent days busting his brain trying to figure out what the hell to do. Do he tell Deku? What if he don't feel the same way? What if this ruin their friendship? The last thing Katsuki wants is to lose Deku..again.

   In the midst of these thoughts he decided to avoid his crush at all cost. He realized being too close to him will leave him all flustered and he didn't want to seem obvious and rile up suspicion. He barely sat with Deku during lunches. He kept conversations with him a minimal. He didn't check up on him as he was supposed to. He crossed out being in a room alone with the boy all together so that mean no hanging out in their rooms, no study sessions and during group hangouts he further himself away from him as possible.

   Katsuki thought he was doing good in avoiding him (key word Thought), that was until he was cornered by the same boy he was running from in the boys bathroom. It was late in the evening and Bakugo went to go brush his teeth and head to bed. He was alone that was until Deku came in, closed the door, and leaned against it with his arms crossed over is broad chest. Bakugo immediately tensed because of the predicament he's in and avoided eye contact.

"Kacchan. Why have you been avoiding me?"

" I haven't been avoiding you shitty Deku" Katsuki grumbled out trying to sound annoyed when in fact in the inside he was just the opposite.

" You are literally scooting away to the farthest sink and you can't even look at me nonetheless in the eyes. All week I've been trying to talk to you or hang out and you just make up these lame  excuses but with everyone else you're fine. I don't get it did i..... I did I do something to hurt you? The last sentence was said in a broken whisper and that honestly made Katsuki's heart hurt.

'You can never hurt me Izuku'

  Bakugou finally looked at him to see the boys facial  features transformed into a worried/hurt expression " Deku I've just been off it lately it has nothing to do with you" he lied through his teeth because it had everything to do with him..just not in the way he thought. Katsuki was not ready for the "I like you" conversation, not by a long shot. He still needed to figure some stuff out and get rid of doubts.

  Deku frowned, knowing something was wrong but if his friend didn't want to tell him then he won't push it. He walks over to the blonde and hesitantly held out his scarred hand to run his fingers through Katsuki locks. His hand found its way to the side of Bakugo face to caress it.

"You know you can tell me anything right? I'm always here if you need me." Katsuki had to keep his composure because the way Deku was caressing his face is making his heart jump so much it just might jump out of his chest. He has to get out of there quickly before Deku can see the blush creeping up on his face.

"I know...thanks Deku..Goodnight" and with that Katsuki grabbed his stuff and scurried out of the bathroom. He needed to get his shit together and just fucking talk to Deku because he hated to leave the boy feeling like he did something wrong. He went in the kitchen for a glass of water where he bumped into the infamous pink alien, Mina.

"Heyyyyy Bakubabe what you doing down here?"

"Nothing that concern you raccoon eyes " he makes his way to the fridge.

"Awww don't be like that"  Mina pouts and walks towards the blonde.

"Tch whatever"

Bakugo would never admit it out loud but he likes Mina as a friend there's never a dull moment when she's around. But he also like her for the way she gives out good advice and maybe she can give him the advice he's looking for to build up his courage to talk to the greenette.

He chews on his bottom lip before turning to Mina " uh, how do you tell someone that you like them?..."

A dramatic gasp echoed the room " Is the Katsuki Bakugo asking me for relationship advice?!"

"You know what never fucking mind" he roles his eyes and went back to doing his task

"Wait wait I'm sorry I was just a bit surprised because you're not the type to you know...ask for help"

Bakugo just ignores her which makes Mina sigh

"Honestly I say you should just go for it. Just find the right time then  be straight up and tell them you're into them. Yea it's nerve racking but it's better than waiting it out to the point where your nerves completely take over and you're scared to tell them at all. Which I know you will regret because the questions that start off with "What if ..." would  start coming in weighing you down. You never know so just take the risk and who knows you might end up with that person. And if they don't feel the same way don't stress it, yes it would hurt then but keep in mind that we're still young and got plenty of time to find the right person that suits us"

  Bakugo hate to say it but Mina was right. He has to tell Deku how he feels because 1. It's driving him insane keeping these feelings bottled up and 2. The thought of Deku returning his feelings and ending up together is something he's looking forward to. But that's a big IF.

"Thanks Mina" he sent a soft smile her way

"No problem buttttt as payment for my GLORIOUS  advice I think I deserve to know whose the person that have  stolen the heart of someone of the likes of  you" she wiggled her brows

"Tch fuck no."

"Fine I'll find out soon enough hehehe" She walked out the kitchen to head to her room the same time Kirishima walked in the kitchen to join Bakugo

" What was that about?" Kirishima asks regarding the evil laughs Mina was putting out . He curiously walked over to Katsuki  and stood where Mina was just a few seconds ago.

"Ah nothing just raccoon eyes being herself" Bakugo finishes his water and put the cup in the sink.

"Uh hey I gotta talk to you about something..."

Katsuki raised an suspicious eyebrow " what is is it?...I swear if Dunce face and Tape arms raided through my room again I'm going to kill-"

  Bakugo was quickly shut down  from his threat by a pair of unexpected lips. Katsuki was shocked because he didn't expect a kiss to erupt between him and his close friend. But mostly he was angry because his first kiss wasn't supposed to be taken from Kirishima, it was supposed to be given to Izuku if he was to like him back.

Little did both boys know a pair of emerald eyes  had saw them.

Um hello Author * bangs on door loudly* ... this is supposed to be a Dekubaku not a KiriBaku. Ik ik just wait and let everything come together 😂. For last chapter question, I'm a Capricorn (January 13, 2004) so I'm 17 also me and my best friend are three days a part she's the 16th which is cool, we both have similar personalities so we clash a lot. I feel like my zodiac sign coordinates with me half and half. A lot say Capricorn are heartless and mean but like I'm the opposite of that I don't know a lot of people don't believe my sign suits me 🤷🏾‍♀️.           What are some of you guys pet peeves? Let me know! I'll see you in the next one !👋🏾

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