goodnight love~♡

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here's part 3. I hope you like it☺️

bakugou: welp here it is
Izuku: It's so clean in here! And it smells nice
Bakugou: thanks. I'm gonna go shower make yourself at home
Izuku: ok

Izuku's pov: Bakugou goes to take a shower and I kinda wanna go up there and watch him. I know that's kinda weird but idc. It's the truth and that's all that matters. At least I think so. A couple of minutes later I'm sitting on the couch and he comes downstairs after his shower. He walks over and sits next to me." you could have watched something on tv you know".He said as he grabbed the remote from the side table.

Izuku: hey know that your back from the shower lets watch a movie!
Bakugou: ok I'm cool with that, what do you want to watch.
Izuku: Um It doesn't matter to me😊
Bakugou: Ok lets watch something scary
Izuku:U-umm ok

Izukus pov: shit. I hate horror it scares to living daylight out of me. But i cant tell him that.I have to be brave. For him.

Bakugou: Its ok if you dont want to watch something scary ill pick something else

Izuku. no no no im fine go ahead

Bakugou: ok if you say so let me know if you want me to stop the movie


nobody's pov: bakugou put on the movie

about halfway in


Bakugou : izu are you ok

Izuku: yeah im f-fine just a l-little scare

Bakugou:Teddybear~ are you lying to me

Izuku:*blushes intensely* N-no

Bakugou:Im tired anyways lets go to bed

Izuku: ok ill grab some stuff

Bakugou: stuff for what

Izuku:for the floor duh

Bakugou:who said you were sleeping on the floor😏

Izuku: where else would I sleep

Bakugou: with me of course

Izuku:u-ummm *blushy boi* are you s-sure

Bakugou: positive

Nobodys pov: bakugou pulls deku into the bed with him and raps his arms around izuku. Mine" he said as he held onto izuku tighter.

Izuku: Goodnight love

Bakugou: Goodnight teddybear

bakugou kissed Izuku and they cuddled the rest of the night.

bakugou kissed Izuku and they cuddled the rest of the night

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alright well thats the end of part 3 I hope you liked it.Part 4 will be up soon! Also ik i left out like all the development so ill make the next chapters on how they started dating and more about the two of them and then i'll continue with the story.

373 words

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