its time///smut warning//

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Bakugou's pov: I wake up with deku in my arms sleeping peacefully. He looks so cute when he's asleep.His light snoring always calms me down. I truly love this boy. I have for a while now.I slowly let go of him making sure not to wake him. I go downstairs to make breakfast. A little bit later I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist.It was my little green haired boy. "good morning love" he says in a low voice. I answer him. "good morning baby" I say in a sweet voice. I look back to see a wide eyed boy. "are those pancakes!" he says excitedly. "yes they are" he perks up and goes to sit at the table. I finish cooking and I make his plate and bring it to him. We eat and talk together for a while. Until he says "hey do you wanna do it" I look at him with wide eyes and feel my face heat up. "i mean ive thought about before do you want to do it" "kinda yeah" I stare into his big emerald eyes and he nods knowing what I thinking.


jk theres more lol

Izuku's pov: I actually have been thinking about that since last night but i didn't want to say anything just yet.Bakugou gave me "that" look I knew it was time to finally do it. Ive been waiting for this for so long. Without a second thought he picks me up and takes me to the bedroom. He throws me on the bed and takes off my shirt. His was already off exposing his toned body.

nobody's pov: bakugou then starts to kiss on izukus neck leaving hickeys and love bites all over. He slowly makes his way down to his v-line.He then starts to take off his pants and boxer with his teeth exposing his hard cock. It wad a nice size but it was no where near bakugou's size. He gets off of deku and says "ill please you but first your gonna please me sound good baby" "yes bakugou" bakugou smirks "ah ah ah whats my name teddybear~"Izuku looks at him "yes d-daddy". "good boy~ now get on your knees for daddy and give him what he wants~" Izuku get off the bed onto the floor and on his knees in front of bakugou. He takes off bakugou's pants and boxers and pull out his cock. He looks at it in awe. He takes bakuhoes cock and starts to lick the tip. " dont tease me or you'll get a punishment~" Izuku didnt know what he was talking about and didnt want to know so he shoved it down his throat. Bakugou grunted from the pleasure letting out small moans. After a while of sucking he got impatient an started to deep throat him. "ahh~that f-feels go~od baby" Izuku comes up for air and then goes back to sucking. He moans on it making it vibrate."ahh~nghh im gonna c-ccum~"Bakugou then cums down dekus throat. "s-sorry teddybear" "its ok i liked it daddy tasted like caramel". "ok now its time to please you baby~". bakugou puts deku on the bed and spreads his legs. "im gonna have to loosen you up". "ok". bakugou puts his finger inside his mouth and izuku starts to suck them.After getting them wet enough bakugou pulls his fingers out. "im gonna put them in now ok." " ok im ready." bakugou slowly slides in two of his fingers.Izuku groans from the pain and pleasure. "It hurts but im ok" "ok im gonna start moving tell me if you need me to stop." ok" bakugou starts to scissor him.

after that cause im lazy lol

A/N :my stupid ass forgot to finish the chapter before I published it 🤡.

Still nobody's pov :when he though izu was loose enough he slowly took out his fingers leaving izukus hole exposed to the air. He then look at izuku "im gonna put it in now" izuku gives a quick nod signaling bakugou that it was ok. As soon as bakugou saw this he thrusted hard into izuku making him moan loudly. He stop for a bit to give deku some time to adjust to his size. A couple seconds later deku nods his head again signaling that he could start moving. "you sure your ready".//consent is always important remember that// "y-yeah im positive" "alright then im gonna start moving" and thats what boom boom boi did. He started to thrust at a slow speed so he doesn't hurt the smol broccoli boi.

Bakugou's pov: I can hear small moans and groans coming from my little bottom so I pick up speed. He moans out something I never thought he could say. "aghh~~ngh~dAddy FaStEr" he quickly covers his mouth and blushes a deep red. He was so cute under me a blushing,moaning mess. But I loved it. I start to go at a fast pace and lustful sounds clouded the room as izuku moaned under me drool coming from the corners of his mouth his eyes cloudy and rolled almost all the way into the back of his head. " I-im gonna c-cum daddy" "me too love just hold on were gonna do it together". I go as fast as I humanly can and both me and deku cum. "l-lets *pant* get cleaned up *pant*". " yes please.".




to be continued....

this was my longest one yet 918 words ! also thank you so so much for reading this. I didnt think anyone would like them.Ill post a Q and A later on today and if you have any questions please feel free to as me them🥺. Goodbye to all my lovelys 😊👋

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