The beginning

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ok so my stories are gonns look a little different know cause idk why I just decided to change it😋

Bakugou's pov:It all started after collage when I got my job at the cafe.I saw deku and knew he was mine and mine only. I had to make sure he would be mine. Then he started to come to the cafe everyday. It just made me love him more.

Izukus pov: it all started when a new boy started working at my favorite cafe. He was so hot and I've had a crush on him since he got here. I think he is mrs.bakugou's son. I talk to him every time I see him. he is just so amazing in every way. Even though I don't think he feels the same.

ok so im gonna continue the story line after this cause i dont know what else to put in the backstory soooo it sould be up soon. Also sorry this ones kinda short ill make the next one longer.
word count:173

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