Emma x Reader- Love Riddles

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It was like any other day for you at the orphanage, you were in a relationship with Emma and you both were happy. It was only a couple of months after you two got together and Emma started a small game.

It was called love riddles.

She'd leave me riddles everyday and leave me to figure it out, it wouldn't take me a while to figure it out. Sometimes it would be really wholesome or just cheesy but you didn't mind.

You loved that about her. Everyday she'd leave you a riddle in some place that you visit the most, like: the flower patch, library, your bed almost anywhere, sometimes she'd give them herself personally.

It was really sweet of her but you wonder what sparked her to do this for you, in the end you didn't mind it. You just felt loved.

Y/n's POV:

It was like any other sunny day, the flowers blooming, the smell of fresh wind. Oh how I enjoyed being outside. The only reason you were outside because I was stuck on laundry duty most of the time.

Well, in the truth it was supposed to be Ray's turn to do laundry but, he was called to discuss the plan with Norman and Emma. I was the closest one near him and of course I accepted since he did consider me something as a 'friend'.

I sighed looking at the endless grass and grassy hills to see all the little children playing, rolling around. They were just being normal kids. I smiled at seeing them happy and continued to do laundry duty until I heard a voice call me.

"Y/n! Y/n!" A voice calls from behind me and I see Phil running to me.

Phil was one of my favourites, he was always so happy and adorable it was like nothing bothered him ever.

Once he had stopped to where I was at, he outstretched his arms, signalling for me to pick him up.

"Well hello Phil, what brings you here to me?" I ask while he just gives me a bright smile

"Well I just wanted to see my big sister!" He exclaims while you almost felt like your heart would burst because of his cuteness.

"Your really sweet Phil.." I say, while he stops smiling and I put him down as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a envelope and gives it to me while I looked at him confused taking the envelope.

"It's from Emma!" He says as I just smile and pat him.

"Thank you Phil." I say while he nods and runs off, while I sigh. 

This was how my days went, getting letters from Emma which were riddles. I wondered sometimes did she really write them herself? or found them in a book? or possibly got Norman or Ray's help? I never knew but I didn't care, as long as whatever the words are. I know she means it.

I put the envelope in my pocket and finished up my laundry duty as quick as I possibly could.

After I had finished, I noticed that Emma, Norman or Ray haven't been outside. Either I missed them or they decided to stay inside for now or working on dinner. I decided to go in the forest and find a nice place to sit down and enjoy everything.

I had found a small patch of grass with flowers underneath a tree to sit at. When I sat down I opened the envelope, being gentle since I didn't want to rip it by accident.

As I successfully opened the enevelope, and took the letter that was nearly folded inside,

I opened the letter and it read,

'To my n/n

This thing belongs to me but you'll always own it.'


Another riddle?

I re-read it, I think about it confused for a bit. I have received many riddles but sometimes my brain didn't seem to get it instantly but somewhere deep down I knew the answer.

I pondered for a bit, I mean Emma has given me multiple things but It didn't belong to her personally so what belonged to Emma but I will always own it? Am I just too stupid to understand it? I mean I was one of the kids that got high scores but riddles are a weakness for me.

I sighed, feeling my brain slightly hurt. It's a simple riddle but I found a bit difficult to figure it out.

I put the letter on the grass, looking up at the sky but of course it was blocked by the few tree branches that made small openings for the sun to beam through.

'This thing belongs to me but you'll always own it'


It belongs to Emma,

But I'll always own it,

I'll always own it.

I gasped in realization as I had figured out the riddle.

"The answer is My heart, Her heart belongs to her but I'll own it.." I smiled at how cute the thought of it was,


"That's right!" The voice came from behind me as it caught me be surprise as I see my one and only, Emma standing there, as she walks towards me and plants a soft kiss on my forehead.

"My heart belongs to me but you'll forever own it because you already took my heart away when we first met" Emma says while she smiles sitting next to me as we enjoy the grassy area around us together.

Sorry for the slow updates- I am suffering with Writers Block Unfortunately but I'll try my best 🤗

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