3#: Sewn: A Loki Fanfic

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 A/N: Marvel Loki/Sygin (who looks Daenerys Targaryen and  she is Loki's best friend and only friend and sort has a crush on him and is the lady in waiting to Queen Fregga, and Sygin has magic and Sygin is younger than Loki by a month)

This is set after the Avengers movie 

 Loki, Prince of Asgard, was sulking in his cell. He was bored. And depressed. And maybe a bit of a mess. Whatever had happened on earth, it wasn't his fault for once. Someone had impersonated Loki, then teleported Loki, who had been enjoying a -what did the mortals call it? Oh yes- a coffee in a small restaurant in London, in his place at the end of the battle. But whatever he did or said, no one believed him. No one except Leah, at least. Beautiful, kind and fiesty Leah, whom had been with him through thick and thin. But now, she was as free as a bird and he was locked up like a monster. Was that really what Loki was? A monster? Loki recalled what he had yelled at Odin, that he was the monster parents told their children about at night, when he had first discovered he was the child of a Frost giant. The man bit his lip to keep from crying. All he had ever wanted was be person that was like everyone else. Yeah, Loki. That's a good one, Loki thought, tears beginning to slip down his pale face.

 Sygin dashed down the hallway, cursing in Asgardian. A kid had broken into Loki's deserted room again, and had taken a favorite book of his. Sygin let magic capture the kid in ropes and neatly took the book before letting him drop to the ground, then headed back to Loki's room to put a magical seal on the door that only Leah, Fregga, or Loki could break. Sygin then headed down to the dungeons. This had become a habit of her's. She always checked on Loki every day to make sure he was okay. People (Thor and Odin) had tried to tell her Loki was unstable and dangerous, but she had ignored them. Sygin didn't doubt the unstable part, that had always been the case when Loki was hurt or angry, but dangerous.... No, that was not who her Loki was. So, as usual she went past other cells until she got to the one of her best friend. Loki was standing, waiting for her. Immediately, Sygin knew this show of a good state was an illusion. 

 "Okay, cut it with the illusions. You taught me this trick yourself, so I know how it works," Sygin said. Loki gave her a look that said: Are you sure you really want to see the state I'm in? 

 Sygin nodded.

  "Fine," Loki said, dropping the pretense. Sygin gasped. Loki was sitting in a corner, cuts all over his body, face dark and red circled under the eyes, and hair messy. Sygin immediately unlocked the plasma (A/N: Idk) siding, and rushed in, hugging Loki's broken body to her! Tears began to roll down Loki's face, staining his best friend's dress. Sygin didn't care. She just held Loki and comforted him.

After about ten minutes, guards entered the cell. Sygin immediately tried to shield Loki, but the guards roughly pushed her aside and grabbed the former god of mischief by his arms and pulled him out of his cell, Loki too tired to even put up a fight. Sygin ran after the guards. 

 "What are you doing!?," she demanded. "Odin the Alfather would like to see him," the man informed her. Sygin suddenly realized what was going to happen. She had watched this happen to prisoners before. They would have a punishment inflicted on them to stop their talents that helped them with their crimes. In the case of Loki, his magic and- mouth!!! Odin was going to literally sew Loki's lips shut!!! There was one way out of this. Sygin couldn't just stand by and watch her best friend- her only friend!- get killed! Because judging by the state Loki was in, he wouldn't survive the process of his lips getting sewn and his magic removed, as this was something that she was sure Odin would do without hesitation! She ran after the guards and Loki, who wasn't putting up a struggle, seeming to accept the invetiable. Soon, the guards entered the throne room, Sygin right behind them. As soon as Sygin entered the room, however, Fregga caught Sygin by her waist, and held her back, whispering comforting words in her ears, as the Sygin struggled furiously, trying desperately to get to the man she loved, but Fregga, as much as it pained her to see Sygin this upset, held fast, as tears poured down Sygin's face! Loki was forced to his knees in front of Odin's throne. Odin stared coldly down at his adopted son, who seemed to shrink. Thor was also there, though he looked as if he would gladly be anywhere else in the nine realms at that moment. Odin read off a list of Loki's crimes, blah, blah, blah.

  Then the Alfather said: "Asgard must make sure these events never happen again at your hand, Laufyson. So, your magic will be taken and your lips sewn shut for the rest of your life. Do you have any last words?" As a response, Loki began to violently struggle and scream inaudible words, terrified, as he rightly should've been!! Thor ran over, pushed the guards away, and grabbed Loki's shoulders, restraining him in an iron hard grip! Odin motioned for a seamstress to come forward, holding a long curved needle and black thread. 

 "Thor, you shall sew the villain's lips," he told the god of thunder. Thor froze. 

 "Fa-father, I-I can't. He's my younger brother!," he protested, but Odin put up his hand and his son fell silent. 

 "You will, my son, to prove you will one day be a worthy king. One who will do what's best for his kingdom," was what the Alfather spoke. Thor took the needle and thread in shaking hands, threaded the needle and waited. Odin raised his staff at Loki, and green light flew from the god of mischief's body into said staff! Once this was done, Loki collapsed, then was forced into a kneeling position again by the guards (A/N: Loki still had regular Asgardian skin). Thor advanced on his brother, holding the needle, his hand shaking badly, and a look of sorrow on his face. 

 Suddenly, a someone screamed: "WAIT!!!!!!" Everyone turned at the sound of the voice. Sygin had yelled it. Fregga let her go. Sygin ran over and bent down in front of Loki, tears streaming down both their faces.

  "I need to tell you something. Something I should've a long time ago, then maybe things would've been different. I love you, Loki Odinson. I always have and always will. I swear," Sygin whispered, running a hand through Loki's raven locks, the other hand on his cheek. 

 "I love you too, Leah. Those are my final words. And this is the final act I give to you with my lips," he whispered back, then leaned forward and kissed Sygin passionatly. She returned it, loving every second of it. Then, guards were pulling them apart. 

 "No, no, no! Let me go! NO! LOKI!!," she screamed, as they held her back, as Thor put the needle to his brother's lip. Sygin tried to look away, but couldn't! The needle went through Loki's lip, into his upper lip, and down again, blood spattering everywhere! And Loki screamed and sobbed, begging the pain to stop! Sygin managed to shut her eyes, but could not blot out the screams and sobs of pain, until....... the sobs and screams died, there was a whimper of pain, a thud, and the people of Asgard cheering. Sygin opened her eyes, gasped, the guards let her go, and she dashed over to the unconscious body of Loki. He was half dead. Sygin's rage, the rage she had caged up for years, at anyone who had gotten on her or Loki's nerves, exploded. She looked up at Odin, a look of hate carving her face. 

 "YOU!!!!," she screamed. Everyone fell silent. Sygin stood up, shaking with rage, and her whole body glowing a bit of a light green. 

 "Leah, remember-!," Odin started, but Sygin had enough of people telling her to remember her place, to be quiet, to keep calm. She screamed as loudly her vocal cords would allow, shattering every window in the castle! Thor ran at her with Moljnier drawn, but Sygin raised a hand and an orb shot out at Thor, rendering him out cold! She did the same to Fregga and the people of Asgard! Her quarrel was not with them. It was with Odin and the guards. She killed each man that dared to step in her way, until she was feet away from Odin, who fired a blast at her from his staff, but the woman neatly deflected it! After a few moments of intense battle, Sygin knew she couldn't win, so she opened a portal to were Loki still lay, stepped back into it, grabbed Loki's hand, opened a portal to a Midgardian hotel room beneath them, and the 2 fell into it! Sygin bounced off the bed and closed the portal! Loki lay, unmoving, on the bed, blood trickling off his lips onto the sheets. Sygin ran into the bathroom, grabbed a towel, dashed back to Loki and began to staunch up the blood. Once this was done, Sygin used her magic to keep Loki asleep, and at the same time, slowly and gently remove the stiches in his lips. Then, she covered him with a blanket, teleported down to the lobby, reserved the room, then went back up to the room, and climbed into the bed next Loki's. They would figure out how to get his magic back, tomorrow.

A/N: Art not mine! See ya!


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