#4: Suicide attempt; Irondad And Spiderson

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A/N: Set 6 months after EG. AU= In Endgame, Nat and Tony did not die, Steve didn't go back to the past, Wanda and Bucky are a couple and married and have a little girl who's 6 (her name's Joy) that they adopted and have a blood child on the way ( I LOVE WINTERWITCH!), Peter is 15, May and Happy were (note the past tense) married, no far from home, and Loki didn't use the Tesseract in 2012, and didn't die in IW, and became an Avenger and so did Sygin and her and Loki are a couple and married and have a 2 year old (Dove) whom they both rescued from an abusive family, and the Avengers live in Avengers Tower. oh, and Happy's dead as well as May. Trigger warning!: Cutting and suicide attempt!

It was all too much. Aunt May's death, the bullying at school, the nightmares, the anxiety, the panic, the fear, everything. Depression had taken over. Peter Parker sat on the floor, knees to chest, in his bathroom at the Avengers tower, tears flowing down his face. Why did always he lose? The battles, his family, his friends at school, his control over his emotions, at one time his suit, everything. He could hardly take this anymore. Which was why Peter had started to cut himself. To allow him to feel at least a little control over his life. And, up until a few seconds ago, had been exactly what he'd been doing. His phone dinged. A Twitter alert. Peter opened it and wished he hadn't.

Flash=Awesome: #Peter Parker is an idiot and should go kill himself b/c he's worthless! 😂😆😝


Shelly@PromQueen: LOL! So right! Parker should kill himself! The world would be better without him!

DarthJR: hate u Parker!

$ErickaBlack: dang right!

Nick×cool=cooler: Idoit!

AlyssaLovesKale: Loser!

Peter's frame was racked with sobs. He was used to this, but that didn't mean it hurt any less... Peter bandaged the cuts on his arms, then left the bathroom, managing to get a hold of himself and stop sobbing. He trudged into the living room of the Avengers tower and faceplanted into the couch. Toxic thoughts swirled around in his mind, dragging him down further and further.

"Pete, you good?," someone asked. Peter looked up. Tony Stark was looking down at him, smiling. Peter flipped onto his back so he was looking straight up at Tony.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine, dad. Just tired," was the fake smile and fake explanation (A/N: Tony and Pepper adopted Peter after May's death).

"K, good! Cause Morgan and Pepper will be here in a half an hour and we both know how Morgan hates for people to be unhappy," Tony said.

"Wait, we're having dinner here? Again?," Peter asked, not being able to hide the small groan that Tony clearly didn't notice. He had been hoping they could go home.

"Yeah, I have to finish a project for Morgan's B-day and yours, which is coming up first, obviously, and I need to distract Morgan from coming down the lab, since you already know not to. Well, more of I need to negotiate vibeuranium with ole' kitty cat and Wakanda and I don't need Morgan or Pepper (he shuddered at the thought of what his wife would do to him) hearing the exact choice of language I know I'll have to use to get that dang metal. Morgan wants a shield/sled exactly like Capsicle's. Speaking of which, what do you for your birthday besides the awesome thing I'm making for you, Underoos? Since it's first?," Tony asked.

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