1#: Alternate ending to Secret of the Sundrop: Too young to die: A Varian Fanfic

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 Varian climbed up in his automation after being blasted by Rapunzel. By now he had realized that fighting using a machine was hopeless, so he went to his last resort: his powers. You think you're the only one who can summon black rocks, princess? Well, 2 can play at that game, he thought as he took off his apron, gloves, and goggles inside of the machine. Varian could hear people outside wondering what was going on? Now, you're probably scratching your head and thinking, hey, why didn't Varian just use his powers to free his father? Well, he found out that the amber could not be cut by anything (and deep down, he had known that his father would have died of suffocation). So, in the end, he had created a type of mineral more destructive and unbreakable than the black rocks (A/N: the amber). Oh, back to the story! Varian climbed out of the automaton and stood across from Rapunzel. He smirked, and his eyes for some reason turned red for a second, then they went back to normal. Rapunzel couldn't even control her powers, but Varian could. Which only proved he could win. 

 "You really think you'll succeed, Rapunzel?!," he asked. In response, the princess sent a volley of rocks at him. But Varian neatly sidestepped, bent down, put his palms on the ground, and muttered, that turned to a yell:

  "Serve me, the true embodiment of the moondrop!" Immediately, 2 rocks sprang out of the ground, Varian stood up and grasped them, his hair turned the color of his hair stripe, maybe a bit lighter with a bit more blue, doing the same as Rapunzel, threw a battalion of the deadly minerals at her! People gasped, and tried to run forward to stop the unstable alchemist, but were backed away by rocks. Varian screamed a scream that came out as more of a sob, and it wasn't just from the physical pain the rocks gave him. It was all the mental and emotional pain of the past 10 years that had been buried deep within him. 10 years ago, he had been a child with a perfect family. But then his mother died, his father ignored him, and then Varian's sun, the light Rapunzel had been, betrayed him. Rapunzel was winning, Varian realized. But then, what was the point of living now? His father was dead and the people who had 'cared' about Varian had betrayed him! Varian let down his concentration for the last time, his hair returned to normal, and for the final time, closed his big, beautiful blue eyes. Everyone knew it was too late to stop the approaching rock. Rapunzel tried, but too late. A black rock stabbed the teen squarely in the chest, the rock retreated into the ground once again, and the body of the young alchemist fell to the ground.

 "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!," was the scream of Princess Rapunzel, Eugene Fitzherbert, and Cassandra as they watched the child fall! Rapunzel released her concentration on the rocks and let go of the 2 she'd been holding onto and rushed to Varian, falling to her knees and cradling the fallen angel in her arms! He was gone! Cass and Eugene bent next to her, tears falling down all 3's cheeks. Quietly, Rapunzel began to sing the healing incantation, though knowing it wouldn't work. When it was finished, she hugged Varian's small frame tightly to her chest.

  "This shouldn't have happened! I'm so sorry, Varian! You're too young to die!," Rapunzel said, tears still rolling down her face. One tear landed on Varian's cheek. Suddenly, the wound in Varian's chest started to glow blue. In a matter of seconds, Varian's eyes opened. He saw big green eyes shedding tears of happiness.

A/N: I torture my characters, but what can I say? They usually get happy endings, right???? And artwork does not belong to me. 


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