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Disclaimer: Once again, I do not own any of the characters associated with the Criminal Minds franchise. 

(Y/N)'s  P.O.V.

I can't believe that we're already leaving for a case on my first day here. I followed Strauss's advice and had a bag ready to go, but it would have been nice to just have an easy first day at work.

I walk to my car, clicking my keys to unlock the trunk of the vehicle. The back pops open and I grab my large black duffel bag before relocking the car. I look to my right; Morgan is at his vehicle and grabs a navy-blue duffel bag.

"Hope you don't get nervous on planes newbie," he laments with a laugh before he starts walking back. I decide to walk back with him. After all, he is one of my teammates now; it's best for me to at least be able to talk to him.

"No, I'm alright," I laugh as I walk with him, "as long as the plane doesn't go down, I'm perfectly fine."

We continue our way back into the bullpen. I grab the case file from my desk so that I can continue to analyze demographics while we're on the plane. The cold November air hits against my face as we make our way out to the runway and load up onto the jet. It's not quite as cold as New York, but it's still not welcome. At least it should be warm in New Orleans.

I take a seat in one of the tan colored plane seats, sitting next to Emily and behind Morgan.
"Alright," Hotch begins, "when we land, Morgan, I want you and JJ to speak with the victim's friends and families to get a better idea on their daily routines. Emily, I want you and Rossi to visit the park where the latest victim was found. Reid, I want you to visit the coroner's office and get an idea of the different extent of torture; take (L/N) with you."

I look over to Spencer. He nods sternly before going back to circling different locations on a map.
"Are you making a geographical profile?" I ask. He looks up to me, "Yes, I've got it narrowed down to about 10 square miles, so I need to narrow it down more."

His tone is very monotone, almost as if he is masking emotion. Doesn't seem like he wants to talk, so I guess I'll just go back to looking at the victim's reports.

I look at the latest victim, Rebecca Montgomery. Born in an upper-middle class family. Graduated high school with high honors. Lacrosse scholarship, so she was athletic. Going to school to become a physician's assistant.
I would be lying if I said going over these reports didn't bother me some. It's so heartbreaking to see a person's entire life reduced to a page in a case file. These people had lives, hopes, dreams, struggles, achievements, all wiped away to nothing but a memory that will grow distant over time.

"Doing alright?" Emily asked, looking at me with a concerned look on her face.
"Yeah," I answered, "It's just a bit hard to see their lives reduced to a paper. She had so much more to offer the world."
"And that's why you will do well with the BAU. You have a level of compassion that will make you determined to bring justice to these women and their families."
I smiled lightly and went back down to the file. Emily's pep talk at least made me feel a little bit better. These people deserve justice and peace of mind, and now with the BAU, I can help make that a reality.
"Alright everyone, we're here." Hotch announced, "Get ready to load into the SUV's and begin where you are assigned." 

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