Newbie in the Bullpen

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, or the show Criminal Minds itself.

"Hey, anyone know what's going on in Hotch's office?" Morgan asked before taking a swig of coffee in the bullpen with Reid, Prentiss, and Garcia. "What do you mean, hot chocolate?" Garcia asked and teasingly placed a hand on Morgan's shoulder. "I mean..." he laughed, "The blinds are drawn in his office, but his car was here this morning when I pulled in." "Maybe Strauss is giving him hell again," Prentiss suggested, rolling her eyes while taking a sip of her coffee. "Highly unlikely," Reid chimed in, "There's a directors meeting occurring today, so she would have to be there."

Suddenly, the door to Hotch's office opened, and out stepped Hotch accompanying a strange young man. He was average built, slender, yet not too thin. The young man's (h/l, h/c) hair bounced as he stepped down the stairs with Hotch. He wore khaki slacks with a lwhite dress shirt with tiny, light olive green polka dots that complimented his figure and skin quite nicely. Hotch made his way over with the young man, approaching the rest of the team.

"These are agents Morgan, Prentiss, Dr. Reid, and Garcia," Hotch stated in his usual monotone voice. "This is Agent (L/N), he has just transferred over to Quantico from New York's organized crime unit."
"It's nice to meet you all," he chimed, flashing a beautiful grin at the shocked agents.

"Agent (L/N), I remember your works posted into the government's demographics database on petty crimes linked to potential gang initiation," Spencer said, shaking the new agent's hand.

"Thank you," (Y/N) answered with another grin, "I didn't think anyone would know who I am. I haven't been in Quantico since I graduated from the academy five years ago."

"I'll let you get settled in," Hotch stated, breaking the conversation, "(L/N), you will be sitting next to Reid, I'm sure you will all have plenty of time to discuss demographics. In the meantime, I have a great deal of paperwork that needs completed. If you need anything, feel free to ask anyone here."
"Yes sir," he nodded. Hotch smiled and ascended the stairs and returned to his office.

"Welcome to the team," Penelope wrapped her arms around (Y/N) into a tight yet not totally intrusive hug, "I can't believe Hotch didn't tell us we would be getting a new agent on the team. I wasn't able to make you a gift bag."

"You don't need to worry about making me a gift bag," he smiled kindly, "I'm just glad to meet you all."

"Nonsense, everyone must know that they are loved by the great oracle, Penelope Garcia," she retorted, and left for her office.
"I'm gonna go with Garcia," Morgan laughed, "make sure she doesn't go too crazy. Reid and Prentiss can probably show you around."
"Sure!" Emily smiled, "come on Reid, let's get him settled in." Reid nodded. The strangest sensation was looming over his entire body and mind. For once in his life, Dr. Spencer Reid was absolutely speechless. 

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