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Disclaimer: I do not own Criminal Minds

Once the jet landed, (Y/N) quickly grabbed his casefile and duffel bag. Making their way to the SUV's, he unlocked and opened the trunk door so the two agents could place their bags inside. He quietly placed his bag into the back and looked up to (Y/N).

"Do you want to drive?" Spencer asked.

"I can if you want to continue reading over the casefile," the other agent shrugged and smiled sheepishly.

"Oh, I don't need to read the file over again," Spencer answered nonchalantly.

"He just doesn't like to drive," Morgan chimed in before heading into the other SUV.

"You only read it once?" (Y/N) asked, "There were a lot of details. I'd have to read over it at least 7 more times."

"I have an eidetic memory and can read 20,000 words per minute," Reid states with a light blush to his face.

"Wow. You really are fascinating," (Y/N) said with a blush on his face. He quickly cleared his throat and walked over to the drivers side of the SUV and opened the door before climbing in.
Spencer took a deep breath to try and clear the blush forming on his face and climbed into the passenger's seat.

"So, where is the coroner's office located?" (Y/N) asked, pulling out a map of New Orleans.

"3001 Earhart Blvd," Spencer answered calmly.

"Alright, not too far from here," (Y/N) smiled and began to drive off.


The SUV pulled up to the Coroner's office and parked to the right of the building. The two men exitted the SUV, (Y/N) clicking the door lock button on the keys. They began to walk up to the door, (Y/N) clearing his throat before walking towards the doors.

"You clear your throat when you're trying to mentally prepare yourself for something," Spencer observed out loud before looking at the other agent.

"I've never really liked Coroner's offices," (Y/N) answered, "They just smell of death and disinfectant."

"Coroner's offices are remarkably clean," Spencer stated, "Diseases and bacteria are very unlikely to spread here."
"I guess, it just feels very wrong to enter these and examine these people," (Y/N) stated, "I'm used to examining with people when they're still alive. So this will definitely take a little bit of time to get used to."
Spencer nodded as the two walked up to the front desk, flashing their FBI badges. After the receptionist glanced at the badges, he nodded and led them to the morgues in the back of the building. A tall-statured, dark haired woman with silver rimmed glasses and a lab coat walked up and held her hand out. (Y/N) reached his hand out and shook hers.
"Dr. Matthews," she said firmly with a straight expression.

"Agent (L/N)," (Y/N) stated, "and this is Dr. Reid."

"Here to examine Ms. Montgomery?" she asked, earning a nod from the new agent, "right this way."

She led them to the doorway and on the examination table laid the body of Rebecca Montgomery, the head severed from the body, but placed close to where the head would normally be. The sight alone made (Y/N) sick to his stomach, trying his hardest not to let it show. He quickly regained his composure before starting to examine the body.

"The muscle tears indicate that she was decapitated with a rough, serrated blade, most likely a bone saw," Dr. Matthews stated, giving everyone a pair of disposable gloves. (Y/N) and Spencer both applied their gloves, nodding at her statement.

"Those look like electrocution burns on her chest," (Y/N) observed.

"The clamping looks like he used jumper cables," Spencer pointed out.

"The ligature marks on the wrists and ankles look like rope. He had them restrained." (Y/N) analyzed, trying to avoid the head.

"The bleeding and tear marks show much more blood, and the toxicology reports came back clean," Dr. Matthews sadly informed them.

"She was alive when he decapitated her," Spencer replied.


(Y/N) still couldn't stop the feelings of anger as they walked out of the coroners office and back to the SUV. They sat in the car and the agent sighed. Spencer gave him an inquisitive look.

"I just," (Y/N) began with a sigh, "how can you do that to a person? What makes a person go so far downhill that they feel the need to make people suffer like this? To do something like that to a person while they're still alive? It's just... I'm at a loss for words."

Spencer just nodded, not wanting to make the man feel worse by trying to inject statistics about decapitations. Spencer's phone buzzed, causing him to break from his thoughts.

"It's Hotch," he stated, "apparently we are to go to the hotel and get some rest. Report to the station at 9 a.m., and.... we're sharing a room together..."

(Y/N) looked away, trying to stop the blush forming on his face.

"W-well, I guess we better head over then," (Y/N) replied, "I'm assuming it's a 2 queen bed suite anyways."

"No, with Mardi Gras approaching, the rooms are single beds," Spencer blushed.

(Y/N)'s blush was concealed by the dark evening sky as he drove off to the hotel. 

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