chapter 3

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Chapter 3

            I woke up the next morning feeling very guilty. I’m engaged and I kissed my best friend. Who does that? I’ve never had romantic feelings for Ethan but I can’t get that kiss out of my head. I’ve never felt that much passion with Justin. Maybe it wasn’t passion it was just lust. Even if it was lust I’ve never lusted over Justin in that way.

            What the hell was I going to do?

            The smell of bacon quickly distracted me. Ethan makes breakfast every morning no matter what. I ran to the bathroom and brushed my teeth then joined Ethan in the kitchen.

            “It smells so good,” I said.

            I love to eat. And I love to eat anything.

            “So are we going to talk about last night?” Ethan asked reminding me of that kiss we shared. I’m not sure if I should call it a kiss or a make out session.

            I wanted to act like I didn’t remember but I knew that wouldn’t work so I just said, “Lets forget about.”

            “You can’t kiss me and say forget about it.” I just stared at him. I did not want to talk about last night. “What about Justin,” he pushed.

            “Look last night was an accident,” I informed him. “I love Justin you know that. I don’t know what to tell you about last night.”

            “That’s all you had to say,” Ethan said as he slid some eggs onto my plate. “So this stays between us and last night never happened.”


            “Don’t tell Mahogany either,” he pushed.

            That was going to be a hard one. I can’t keep stuff from Mahogany even if I tried. The girl could read me like book.

            Before I could answer Ethan the doorbell, which interrupted our conversation.

            “That’s either Emma or Mahogany.” I raised my eyebrows. “I invited them to breakfast. Actually I only invited Mahogany and she invited Emma”

            I skipped to the front door to find Emma and Mahogany standing there.

            “Hey ladies!” I greeted as I opened the door.

            It was like they barely saw me because they walked right pass me and to the kitchen where the food was.

            Everyone grabbed a plate and sat at Ethan’s small dining room table.

            “So what happened with you and the bartender?” I questioned Mahogany.

             “What if I went home?”

            “You have on the same clothes from yesterday so we know you didn’t go home,” Ethan joked.

            “His name is John and he lives two building over. John is a Mr. Nasty,” Mahogany informed us.

            Mahogany describes men in four ways. A Mr. Nasty is a man who’s a freak. He wants to do everything and he’s down to try anything new.  Another name is, Mr. Ecstasy. In other words Mr. Ecstasy blew her mind. He was so good the neighbors know his name. Then there’s Mr. Unsatisfied, which basically means he either has a small penis, he lasted two seconds, or she just didn’t like it. Last is Mr. Unfortunate, which means she didn’t get any.

            “Can we not talk about your sexual escapades over breakfast,” Emma hollered.

            We all laughed at her. Emma did not like to talk about sex over breakfast, over the phone, or anywhere else.

            “What did you two do last night,” Emma asked.

            Emma meant nothing behind the question but I couldn’t help but tense up. I noticed Ethan stuffing his mouth with food.

            “Did you two have sex or something,” Mahogany asked causing Emma to choke on her orange juice.

            “No,” Ethan informed them.

            “We went to sleep,” I added.

            “Bullshit,” Mahogany pushed.

            “Seriously we didn’t have sex with each other. We are just friends and I’m engage.” I informed Mahogany.

            At the word engage Emma choked again. I narrowed my eyes at her but she just shrugged her shoulders.

            “I believe you when you said you didn’t have sex but when you said you went to sleep that was a lie,” Mahogany informed me.

            See what I mean when I say Mahogany can read me like book.

            “Are you going shopping with me to help me find a new outfit for work?” I asked changing the subject.


            “You coming Emma?”

            “I have to work.”

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