chapter 7

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Chapter 7

            Who would have thought my weekend would have been that crazy. Unfortunately, Mahogany is not speaking to me. I do deserve her remote silence but I really had stuff to tell her. What happened with Ethan and I is a total OMG moment that I need to share with her. But I guess I had to wait until she was ready.

            She had a whole week. If she doesn’t call me up I’m going to hunt her down.

            For now I had work to focus on.

My first client happens to be a 9 year old girl name Brooklyn. The hospital let DSS know they were worried about her because the parent neglect to bring the girl to the hospital after she supposedly fell down the steps, which fractured her arm. I visited the family for a full week to determine if Brooklyn was being abused. It seems like the family is very stress out because the mom is suffering from dementia. The focus has been on the mom so the dad, Mr. Henry tells me. They haven’t been to see a doctor for Brooklyn because of the mother’s issues and Mr. Henry works many hours just so they can keep their insurance. I talked to Brooklyn too. She claims she’s never been physically abused. I wasn’t sure I believed her. Brooklyn seemed scared as we talked. I gave the family referrals to services that could help them and consulate my supervisor, Mrs. Harper about my suspicion.

Mrs. Harper ended up visiting the family to and coming to the conclusion that the child’s needs were being met and she was not being abused. Mrs. Harper was the professional and I didn’t want to question her judgment but I had to make sure.

“That little girl seemed scared,” I questioned.

“I know what I’m doing Ms. Chambers,” Mrs. Harper said in a hard tone. “That family has been through a lot. What they need is a piece of mind.”

I didn’t have time to respond back to her because she walked away.

That same week I had another client by the name of Walter. Walter a 16 year old boy was referred to DSS by his high school. Walter had bruised and cuts on his rest. Wednesday I visited him at his home.

“Hi I’m Trinity Chambers with Department of Social Services can I come in,” I asked Walter’s mother once she opened the door.

“Of course. I’m Candice Hart,” she greeted as she open the door for me to enter.

“This is officer Williams,” I introduced.

We are not allowed to enter a house without an officer with us just in case something happens that requires backup.

Ms. Hart nodded her head and led me to the living room.

“Are you aware that your school referred Walter to us?” I questioned.

“Yes they said something about abuse. I swear I have never hit my kid and I knew nothing about bruises on his body. I’m not that kind of person,” Ms. Hart explained.

I believed every word coming out of Ms. Hart’s mouth. She seemed like a genuinely sweet person. I would only be able to rule out abuse after my investigation.

“Can I talk to your son?”

Ms. Hart nodded and led me to Walter’s room. Walter was stretched out on his twin size bed when I entered his room.

“Hi Walter do you remember me. I met you once at your school.”

Walter nodded as he sat up in bed. “Ms. Chambers.”

“You mind if I sit down,” I asked.

Walter gestured to his desk chair. Walter seemed like a nerdy kid but he was a cute nerdy. I couldn’t image his mother, a tiny women just beating up on him. There was something else going on.

“I’m going to ask you a few questions.” Walter nodded his head. “Does your mom feed you?”

“My mom is a good mom and I know why you’re here. She would never harm me,” Walter hollered.

“Then explain the cut on you wrist.” Walter didn’t answer so I changed the question. “How many times a day do you have suicidal ideations?” I questioned.

            “Twice, my life is just horrible?”

            Yea mines and yours both kid. My fiancé just cheated on me with my cousin. And one of my bestfriends has deep feelings for me and I’m sure I have feeling for him to but I’m just so caught up in Justin. You don’t see me trying to kill myself.

            Unfortunately I couldn’t tell a 16 year old boy that. He may just go and kill himself. I don’t want that so instead I said, “why is your life so horrible?”

            From there he talked all about his younger brother’s death and his parents’ divorce. He felt like he had nothing to live for.

            I made a contract with him that any time he felt the need to cut he would listen to music or talk to his mom. He also promised to see a counselor if I visited him once a week. We both agreed on it and sign a written contract. His mood seemed to lighten up after I talked to him.

            Ms. Hart lead me back to front door once I was finished talking to Walter. She thanked me over and over again. She was a beautiful woman who cared deeply about her son. She talked to me for a brief moment about what’s been going on in the family. She filled in the blanks. Basically the whole family was in a car accident but the younger brother didn’t make it.  After the death of her son, her and her than husband couldn’t get along. Now her ex-husband has a new younger women and that seems to be aggravating Walter.

            “He’ll be okay,” I informed her. “I’ll be by once a week just to make sure.” I added.

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