Flight 01 - Takeoff

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 The white curtains danced on the wind, giving space for the sun rays to slip through and into the room. Ivory walls of the hospital gave off a nostalgic sense to the girl as she sat on the stretcher, looking out the window.

A tapping sound drew her attention back to the door, and a man clad in a blue shirt and a white coat came into the room, just your typical daily doctor. " Good morning miss Fukurō-san, my name is Iwasaki Oda, I'm your doctor, and I just received your battery of tests that nurse Asami did with you. I must say that you're a pretty healthy and lucky girl, " doctor Oda paused as he flipped through the pages on his hands, " No whiplash, no concussion, and your eyes also didn't suffer any damage. You're ready to be released with just the advice of getting as much rest as you need, don't force your body so much on the upcoming week, alright? " He smiled gently at her.

The girl got up and made her way to the clothes that were in a nearby chair, ' Courtesy of aunt Ayame I guess. ' She turned after picking up the bundle of clothing, " Thank you doctor Iwasaki-san. " Making her way to the bathroom she stopped to hear the doctor's words.

" Your aunt came in earlier, she left you a bento and said she wouldn't be able to take you home. If you go to the receptionist, just tell them your complete name, they will hand you the bento, your contacts, and the money your aunt left for you to go home. " With that, the doctor left the room, and the albino girl was left to her thoughts.


" Huh? Weird... Is it broken? " White hair spread in all directions as Fukurō fell in her bed with her contact lens case in one hand; Sunday arrived and the young girl had nothing to do other than laying around her room, she scanned the tiny piece of round glass on her finger, " Hm, there's no crack or scratch in it. " The girl put on her contacts again, just for the same result to present itself, her vision was blurry with her lens, as she took them off she noticed that her room wasn't fuzzy, ' Well that's new. ' She thought.

Putting away the case, she jumped to her feet; completely disregarding the doctor's words, she never felt so energized in her entire life, it was like she could run a marathon and not even break a sweat.

Fukurō walked around aimlessly in her thoughts as she made her way down the apartment where she and aunt Ayame lived; opening the fridge she found the astounding dessert, of nothing, " Holy- " Fukurō whistled, ' We need to restock for sure... ' The girl closed the door.

Nothing much happened that day, as she was supposed to rest and not push her body, her aunt got home close to 8pm as normal, and they chattered for some time, ordering takeout food and hitting the hay soon after, ' Damn, I miss my phone... ' She fell into a sleep full of dark wings.


The next morning she was up with a groan, her alarm clock biped nonstop until she slammed her hand down on it, the obnoxious clock marked 7:15am in an angry red light, soon after getting her morning routine checked, she put on her school uniform and marched downstairs where she greeted auntie Ayame. " Morning Ayame " The albino sat on the table and picked an apple for breakfast. The long-haired adult answered as she cut some sausages, " Good morning sweetheart, how are you feeling today? " Turning to the white-haired girl as she finished her apple.

" Way better than yesterday, at least now I can pass some time skating out after school " Getting up from the table, Fukurō closed upon her aunt and the older woman engulfed her in a bearhug, " I don't know what I would do without you girl, " Ayame looked at her with soft eyes and kissed her head, " Just-- don't do any of your crazy stunts, " She released the albino girl that looked up at her, " Your bento is ready, will you take the bus to school? " Ayame asked with a concerned look on her face.

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