Chapter Nine:The Invitation

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*Zayn's POV*

I felt my heart start to beat faster and faster as I went in the living room. I looked around, wondering where everyone was at. I saw Liam and he had a stern look on his face at first, but the only thing that I received was a letter from my mum. I started to go in my room to read it and noticed another letter was addressed to Abbey Carmen. I went in her room and held the letter up.

"You've got a letter from some girl named Amanda?" I said, unsure and Abbey quickly got the letter from me. She opened it and I watched with amusement as she read the letter. "What's it say?" I asked, trying to hide the curiosity in my voice.

"It's a Wedding Invitation from my cousin Amanda." Abbey said as she sat on her bed.

"When is it?" I asked as I leaned against the door frame.

"June the eighth." Abbey said and I came over to the bed. "It's already June the first right now....I wonder when the rehearsal dinner is." She thought aloud and I grabbed the invitation from her, my eyes skimming over the black words on the cream colored paper.

"It's June the seventh." I said and Abbey blushed as she got the invitation back from me. Abbey looked over the paper again and she sighed. "What is it?" I asked and Abbey looked up at me.

"It says I have to bring a date." Abbey said and I shot her a puzzled look.

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" I asked and Abbey shook her head. I tried to hide the surprise on my face, but failed terribly. "Well, maybe I can take you?" I said aloud and Abbey looked up at me, a little shocked. "I- I mean, I don't have to be your date if you don't want me to." I said. "But, a pretty girl like you shouldn't go dateless." I said, shooting her a warm smile as I did and when she smiled back, I felt my heart race...which was a little werid, but it was a good weird.....

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