Chapter Eleven:Day Out with Zayn.

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*Abbey's POV*

I woke up the next day, early. It was about 8:00 in the morning and I had to be at the dance studio at 9:00. Amanda thought I needed to learn different dance steps and stuff, I didn't really like the idea but I was going to do it for Amanda. I went in Zayn's room and saw he was passed out.

"Zayn, wake up." I said and I shook Zayn. He groaned and swatted his hand at me, as if that would make me go away.

"Five more minutes, mum." Zayn mumbled before he pulled the covers over his head. I rolled my eyes and tugged at his arm, sighing when he refused to budge.

"Get up, Zayn." I said and Zayn groaned once again before he finally got up, his hair messy. I had to admit, he still looked good even with messy hair. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and looked at me.

"What do we have to do today, Love?" He asked, his eyes locked on mine.

"Dance lessons." I explained as I started to leave the room. "We have to be there by nine, Zayn." I said, hoping that would make him quicken his pace to get didn't. Apparently Zayn liked to sleep in late. I sat at the couch, waiting for a few minutes before Zayn came out of his room. He came out, wearing a black t-shirt and ripped jeans along with some converse shoes.

"Ready to go, Babe?" Zayn asked as he slipped on his black leather jacket.

"Yeah." I said and I got up, going out the door with Zayn.

"Want to pick up some coffee on the way there?" Zayn asked as he put on some shades, hiding his gorgeous brown eyes from view. I nodded my head and we went to Starbucks. As we were waiting in line, I felt as Zayn wrapped his arms around me from behind, making my breath catch in my throat.

"What are you doing, Zayn?" I asked, surprised I could managed to get a sentence out since I was so focused on Zayn's arms around me.

"I don't like the way that guy is looking at you...." Zayn whispered in my ear and I glanced over at one guy who looked at me as if I was something to eat. I remembered something about how Haven mentioned if Zayn ever was out with a girl, he would become very protective of her. Looks like I was the lucky girl this time. We got our coffee and Zayn interwined his hand with mine as we started to leave, making my pulse quicken.

We arrived at the dance studio and when we got there, the dance instructor put Zayn and I together. "Can you dance, Zayn?" I asked and he smiled a little.

"Why do you ask that?"

"Because I heard that you can't." I said and Zayn said nothing as 'Sway' by Michael Buble started playing. He started to lead and I was surprised with how good he was doing. He twirled me before he brought me close to his chest and he smiled at me, his perfect whites showing.

"Don't believe everything you hear, Babe." Zayn said, amusement in his voice at my shocked expression. As soon as we finished our dancing lesson, we went to get ice cream. We went in the parlor and Zayn sat across from me at the table we sat at. "So, you believe I can dance now?" He asked, a smirk on his face and I blushed.

"Shut up." I said and Zayn laughed, making my heart beat increase. Zayn looked at me, his brown eyes lighting up as he did. "What?" I asked and he just shook his head.

"Nothing, you just look cute today. Meant to tell you that eariler." Zayn said before he winked at me. I smiled and looked at him.

"Well, you don't look so bad yourself." I said and Zayn smiled big. Suddenly, Louis popped out of nowhere and scooted in the booth and sat beside Zayn.

"Zayn! What are you doing here, mate?" Louis asked as he put his arm around Zayn's shoulder. Zayn glared at him and Louis took his arm off.

"I decided to bring Abbey out for ice cream." Zayn explained and Louis looked over at me. I gave him a little wave and Louis waved back, making me laugh. Zayn looked a little jealous and he was about to say something when Haven came over.

"Lou! What are you doing? I'm sure Zayn and Abbey would like some privacy!" Haven said and she grabbed Louis' hand. He frowned as he got up before he put his arm around Haven's shoulder and he took ahold of her hand with his hand that was around her shoulder. Haven said something to Louis and he rolled his eyes before he smiled at her and kissed her forehead.

"Are Haven and Louis dating?" I asked Zayn and he shook his head. "They act like they are a couple." I said and Zayn nodded his head.

"Yeah, but they're just best friends. They're...really close." Zayn said slowly as if choosing his words closely. I nodded my head and looked at Zayn. He looked really cute. His hair was still a bit messy from today and it made my heart race when he looked at me. "Ready to go, Love?" He asked, his voice smooth.

I nodded my head and we both left. We got back to the hotel and just as I was about to go in my room, Zayn stopped me.

"Wait, um...I hope you had fun going to get coffee with me today..and also getting the ice cream as well." Zayn said, his brown eyes nervous as they looked at me.

"Yep, I did." I said, my voice sincere. Zayn smiled and then he quickly gave me a kiss on the cheek before he entered his room. I went in mine and I felt as my heart pounded against my ribcage, the feeling of Zayn's lips still pressed against my cheek making me smile.

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