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Pt 2

* Sal's POV

"And after I saw how those guys looked at you...I knew I'd be dealing with that for our entire relationship, and I didn't want you to feel obligated to stay with me, instead of these other guys who were more on your level," there was so much emotion on her face, but I had so much more explaining to do.

"And what about being a total ass? Where does that come in? Or getting another girlfriend? Calling me slut for kissing Brian. I mean, why? Sal, you have no idea, no f*cking idea how much you broke my heart. I was so totally in love with you when I came back. Actually, I never 'fell out of love' with you. And it was like all of sudden you didn't even wanna be my friend anymore. You were so cruel Sal," my heart was shattering hearing all of this. I knew she didn't like it obviously, but I had no idea that she felt so deeply about me still.

"I know that nothing I tell you can ever excuse how I acted, but I'll give you the truth, on all of it. Me being an a**hole was so maybe you'd lose interest in me, but I didn't know it was causing more damage than I thought. And that girl I dated, I hated her. She was disgusting I know-" Stella cut me off.

"I mean, who even was she?" she spat.

"This girl had seen on and off a couple years ago. I was in really dark place, and I just wanted someone to help me forget about it all, and she was the easiest. And once I had thought things over, I broke up with her and I was gonna ask if we could make things work again. But then I thought you and Brian were a thing, and that's why I went off on you. And I know that's not an excuse, but that's what happened. I don't know, when I'm jealous, and especially about you and one of my best friends, it just brought out this really horrible side of me, and I know you don't deserve that. And then at the wedding, I had told Brian not to flirt with you, because I knew once he saw you, he would. And so then I saw you guys together, I yelled at him and he didn't care, so that's when those bad choices came in, and I wanted to get completely wasted. And Summer, Bessy's friend was cute, but I didn't really like her. How could I ever like someone the way I liked you? I couldn't, and I just needed something to help me let go and forget. I've done just about everything you're not supposed to do when you want a girl. So I'm sorry Stella, I love you. I always have," tears were welling in her eyes, as they were mine.

"I love you too Sal," she spoke softly, letting one tear slip on to her cheek.

I pulled her into my chest and held her. I could never, in a million years describe what that felt like. To have a girl that you were completely in love with, back in your arms. Someone who felt so far away for years was finally here, and everything in the world was okay again. I caressed her hair, just breathing as steadily as I could to take it all in. She lifted herself from my arms and looked into my eyes.

"Can I tell you my side?" she spoke gently.

I nodded my head with sincerity, giving her hair one last stroke. 

The way she spoke and poured her heart out with every word... I wish I could go back in time and beat the sh*t out of myself for how awful I was.  She now had tears streaming down her face, and she held one side of my cheek with her hands. I closed my eyes and overlapped the hand that was on my face. I felt vulnerable and I didn't realize how deeply this hurt was rooted in both of us. 

"Looks like a lot of this was just our pride and not wanting to talk to each other," I spoke through my urging tears.

"Well yeah, that. And you being an a**hole," she smirked.

"I know! I know! Seriously, I will probably never get over how I acted. I've never had a girl affect me like that before."

"I think I love you too much to hold it against you forever, but you might have to make it up to me for a little while," she remarked with a grin.

"I definitely will, trust me. Just need to get out of this g*ddamn cast first. Then I'll be in your debt Marino," I winked.

We laughed, and she checked her phone, "Oh sh*t it's late, I gotta go to bed. I'm glad we had that talk. After what almost 2 years?"

"Way too long, but I am too. I physically feel so much better," I sighed in relief.

" I do too babe. Well, I'll see you in the morning Mr.Vulcano," she kissed my cheek and got up.

"Wait, Stell?" I called


"What are we now?"

"What do you want us to be?" she bit her lip, forming a smile afterwards.

"Would you, Ms.Marino," I started, causing her to throw her head back in laughter, "do me the pleasure, of being my girlfriend?"

She caught her breath from laughing, "Why yes, I would love to," she giggled.

"I still have the hottest girlfriend in all of New York," I crossed my arms.

"Good night dork," she chuckled.

"Wait, what about Brian?" I followed her back inside.

"What about Brian?"

"You know, him being in love with you, and me getting on his ass about not trying anything with you?"

"I'm not sure, we'll see when it happens. He's a grown man, I'm sure he'll be fine."

I forced a laugh, but inside I knew Brian would probably break my other leg pretty soon.

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