JJ Maybank - Water Under the Bridge

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Based on Water Under the Bridge by Adele 

You sat in your room, curled up under a blanket as rain pelted the window from the outside. It was a rare day to see rain in the Outer Banks, but the gloomy days seemed more frequent recently. You couldn't help but wonder if this was because you resonated more with the bleak sky and choppy winds. Now come to think of it, you couldn't remember the last you had been outside.

Was it because it was raining? Or because of how you felt?

Your eyes were rimmed a speckle of red and black with the tear-smudged mascara from days ago... had it really been that long? You reached for your phone to check the date, but no matter how hard you pushed the buttons, the screen remained black. It had been long enough for it to die, anyway.

For the first time in days (was it really days?), a while anyway, you got a look at your reflection. Your hair was tussled over your pillow, which held murky marks from your left-over makeup. Your eyes were puffy from crying. When was the last time you had cried? Was it this morning? Or was it last night before you fell asleep?

In your cocoon of despondency, you had no reality of time. Or feelings. Or what your life was anymore. You figured it had been a while from the distant ache of hunger in your stomach. But your arms felt heavy. Your torso like an unmoving mountain. Your legs like boulders which refused to move. You could feel the river of tears begin to slip down your cheeks again, hitting your musky blanket like raindrops falling into the hills.

Your clouded eyes averted back to your window. The rain was falling harder now, and you watched as the droplets ran down. This particular one was going slowly, trickling down, but it picked up more liquid as it overtook more droplets, falling faster and faster before pooling in the mud-spattered puddle below. You hadn't watched raindrops race since you were a little kid. A joyous youngster, with gracious amounts of optimism and excitement in her eyes. You wondered if you'd find her again.

You supposed you felt like that rain drop. You had started off as a pleasant girl on Figure 8, small and naïve but eager to start your path. The first raindrop you acquired was Kiara, a passionate, loving and amazing first best friend. Then you drizzled alongside Sarah, never quite capturing her before she was led down another path, but alas, you and Kiara continued along. You were quick to procure three more droplets, creating your assemblage. John B and Pope were quick to become like brothers to you, but the third boy was nothing short of distinctive.

JJ Maybank, from the first day you met him felt like rain, actually. Brisk, and cold, but just as rain becomes when you get used to it, he developed into the nurturing and warm man you knew. And loved.

You weren't sure whether it was past tense yet.

You and JJ hated dated for the better part of 8 months. Although minuscule in the grand scheme of things, to your 17-year-old selves who had known each other for 3 years when you started dating, it felt like a lifetime. Hence, why you felt like your life was over when it ended.

And so, as the raindrop did, you fell into the murky puddle, the particles diffusing and going their separate ways. But it felt like you were left on your lonesome, while all your friends drifted away, through the dirty water, and out of sight.

And when your mother came up into your room that night announcing dinner was ready, you realised you had been laying your bed for 2 whole days wondering how you were going to continue your life without JJ Maybank.

"That's absolutely ridiculous Y/N! How could you seriously think that?"

"Oh, come on it's so obvious!"

You glared at Pope from your spot seated on the pier. He raised his eyebrows at you, taking a chip from the spread you had prepared in front of you, before placing in it his mouth, crunching as he waited for you to continue.

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