Chapter 16 - Airstrip

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You awoke to the sun sneaking through the curtains of the spare room at the Chateau. There was an arm lazily slung over your waist, a thin sheet covering your naked body. You stirred, looking back over your shoulder at JJ's sleeping face. You smiled before stretching your arms over your head.

You paused mid-stretch feeling his arm slid up your body to cup your boob.

"JJ," you feign annoyance as you reached under the sheets, grabbing his hand off you, clasping your fingers around your own.

"What?" he said innocently, pulling you closer, placing his face half atop of yours, "I thought I was allowed to do that now."

He placed a kiss on your cheek as you laughed,

"Just because you can doesn't mean you have to. Besides, didn't you have enough last night?"

"Could never get enough of you," he mumbled sleepily. You scoff at him but can't help the wide smile spreading across your face. You nuzzle further into the sheets, drifting back to sleep slowly. You didn't even hear the door swing open and shut, the only thing alerting you to someone else being in the Chateau was the shrill shriek which woke you out of your light slumber.

"Oh my God!" Kie's voice cause both of you to jump, your eyes springing open, seeing her stand in the doorway, hand shielding her eyes, "My eyes!"

You and JJ laughed as you heard the door swing again, Pope appeared at the door, immediately slapping his palm across his forearm, a disgusted groan emitting from his mouth.

"Oh, gross!" He called, putting his arm on Kie's shoulder, slapping around blindly. She laughed slapping back, until they gripped onto each other, blindly leading each other outside, "You're naked! Why are you naked?"

Pope yelled as Kiara fake gagged. You could hear the struggling with the door, not daring to uncover their eyes.

"Why do you think, bro?" JJ called after them, sitting up in bed, bare chest on show. You slapped the back of your hand on his chest. He grabbed your hand, pulling you closer and pulling you on top of him.

You were careful to avoid his bruises as you kissed him passionately. He pulled away from you, allowing your hair to cascade around his face, sunlight streaming through the gaps. He brought a hand up, tucking one side of your hair behind your ear, before resting his hand on your cheek.

"Y/N I..." he started, but it was obvious it he didn't know how to express why he was feeling. He rubbed your cheek nervously. You rest on your elbows, looking up at him, nodding letting him know that you were listening. "You know I'm not good at this, so I'll uh... shit, try to get it out. I'm really sorry for everything. I want to try and... I need you to..."

He sighed, stressed eyes making contact with yours. You smiled softly, urging him to continue.

"I'm gonna try and do better. Talk to you about my shit. Try and get out of my shit. And try to not let my shit get in the way."

You let out a small chuckle, leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. You leaned back, tangling your hands through his hair.

"Thank you, JJ," you said sincerely. "It's something we'll work on, together. I appreciate the effort. But you know I love you for all of your shit."

He let out a loud laugh, throwing his head back, before wincing.


"Stomach not ready for that?" you asked jokingly, leaning forward to press your lips to his once again.

"Nope," he mumbled against you, pulling you closer, "but you're worth it."

You were sat outside, next to Pope, who had the winch set up over a tree branch. Kiara sat inside it, test its ability to hold weight as JJ sat with his feet in the hot tub.

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