birthday kiss

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"you are very aggressive and stubborn" he says

"yes i am"i say

I quickly duck down as i hear he gets up and comes close to me.Once i get up i see my knife in the dummy.

"you were gonna stab me"  i say

"it seemed fair" he says

"i'll tell you what be my sparring partner since you stabbed my dummy" i say

"i'll do it if you tell me whats wrong" he says

"or i punch you and don't tell you anything" i say

He walks infront of me and throws the first punch which i dodge quickly and we begin sparring

"what is wrong with you" he says

"nothing" i say dodging his kick

"tell me" he says putting me in a chokehold

"not gonna happen" i say as i flip him to the ground

"time out" he says

I walk over to where the waters are and take one as im about to take a sip someone takes it away from me.

"hey that was mine" i say

"you were to slow" he says with a smirk

"so whats wrong" he asks again

"your just not going to give up are you" i tell him

"no" he says

"tell you what you beat me and i'll tell you" i say

"deal" he says

As we begin sparring he gets the upper hand with his speed and knocks me down. He then gets on top and holds my hands to the mat. His face just a couple of inches away from mine.

"are we about to kiss" i say to try distract him

"no your going to tell me whats wrong" he says

"its my birthday okay" i say

"why are you sad about that" he asks

"because its the day my parents kicked me out" i say and flip him over
"happy now" i tell him

"i don't know how to fix that but i do know how to make you feel better" he tells me and flips me back so now hes on top of me again

"oh yeah what" i say looking at him straight in the eyes

"this" he says

Hes kissing me. wait back the fuck up hes kissing me and im kissing him back. My head is telling me to pull away but my heart doesn't want me to stop. We keep kissing until I feel him get hard.

"someones excited" i say

"don't act like your not your basically grinding on me" he says i know he's right but i won't admit

"we should stop" i say

"maybe" he says as he begins kissing my neck

He was about to take off my shirt when we heard a cough and pull apart i look to see Stark there. Quickly we both get up from where we were.

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