chap. 5

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(There is a little rape but it isnt extreme, its just to get y'know who angry)
3rd person POV
Naruto woke up from movement in the bed. He opened a single eye and saw his love sitting, lost in thought once again. Naruto sat up and put a hand on Orochimaru's shoulder, in a comforting way. "What's on your mind?" He questioned. Orochimaru sighed and looked to his amazing lover. "Oh nothing love, just rouge ninja things. How did you sleep?" He questioned moving a stray hair from Naruto's face. The blonde smiled "i slept good, you?" Naruto questioned. Orochimaru smiled, Naruto knew it was a yes. He went and moved into Orochimaru's lap, cuddling up to him. Orochimaru held him close, they truly did enjoy the moment....that is until the door burst open and in came "Sasuke...don't you know how to knock?!" Naruto yelled coving him and Orochimaru's naked selves. Sasuke rolled his eyes. "Naruto, the village is looking for you. You shohld go before they get suspicious." Sasuke said throwing him his clothes. Naruto sighed and got up, covering Orochimaru. Sasuke has seen him naked plenty of times so he wasn't worried. Sasuke didn't mind either, its like second nature. Naruto got dressed and sighed, leaning down and kissing Orochimaru deeply. The snake smirked into the kiss and pulled away, "shoo shoo" he said shooing Naruto out, Sasuke as well. Naruto smiled and left grabbing Sasuke on the way. They walked down the halls. "Y'know the leaf isn't going to like you and him very much" Sasuke said, Naruto sighed and nodded, yes yes he knew but this was the first time he felt love. "Neither is the sand" Naruto said, making Sasuke chuckle. Sasuke was like an older protective brother....well at least now. Sasuke grabbed Naruto's hand and took them out of the base, back into that alley. "Alright, im sure ill be seeing you soon" Sasuke said, poking him in the forehead. Naruto smiled and nodded, heading out. He talked with the mazakage and reported nothing wrong. She sent him away, back to the leaf.

Naruto was about an hour or so away from the mist, the whole time he felt as though he was being watched...not by Orochimaru or anyone. This felt menacing. Fog soon took over and Naruto was loosing his vision. He took a fighting stance. He stayed as quite as possible....not making a sound. Listening to his surroundings. "Naruto Uzamaki" Naruto heard a man say, Naruto couldn't quite see anything, that is until he felt someone wrap an arm around him, putting a rag over his mouth. All Naruto could think was for Kabuto, Sasuke, or Orochimaru to come help. Then he lost consciousness.

Naruto woke up, slowly opening his eyes. It was dark where he was. He went to move but he couldn't, "tied up...dammit" he grumbled to himself. He tried to break loose, but was stopped by the lights turning on and blinding him. "Well....good morning Naruto" a me acing voice purred. As the boys eyes got used to the light he began to see who it was. "I-Itachi Uchiha...." Naruto mumbled. Out of all people. Naruto doesn't know any of his fighting techniques or jutsus or anything. "Im making this short and sweet. I didn't take you for the 9 tails. I took you for another reason" "which would be what Uchiha" Naruto spat. Itachi walked in front of him and grabbed his face "Do not disrespect me. Be glad you're not dead. In fact, you're simply bait...for the leaf and well......those 3, Sasuke, Kabuto, and Orochimaru. Ill kill them all in one blow. Pain okayed this mission. He said that he wanted to capture you all by's weird of him but...not my business" Itachi said letting Naruto's face go, sitting on a chair. "What are you going to will take weeks for them to realize" Naruto said. Itachi laughed, "I wouldn't be so sure of that, but to answer your question" Itachi said standing up, going behind Naruto, tilting his head up to look at him. "We might have some fun" Itachi said smirking. Naruto's eyes grew wide as he tried to get away....but it was no use. "Aw, don't be so afraid little fox~" Itachi said taking a hand, slowly pulling Naruto's shirt up. Itachi started to tease Naruto, trying to get whatever noises he could. Before he could, the three Itachi wanted to see burst in. "Welcome to the party, sot back and watch" Itachi said, soon the 3 were stuck in a Genjutsu maybe..they didn't know...what they did know is that what they were seeing is real and they couldn't stop it. "S-stop!" Naruto cried out, his chakra wasn't responding and neither was Kuruma. Itachi laughed as he moved his hand into Naruto's pants. "How does it feel to be helpless? Huh? Don't you love watching me hurt him? Huh Sasuke? What about you Kabuto? My my, you all look quite angry" Itachi said laughing, looking down at the scared crying Naruto. "DAMN YOU!!!! ILL KILL YOU!!!" Sasuke yelled, he activated his sharingan and broke the genjutsu. Itachi went wide eyed and stepped back before he could get attacked. "You're about to hate living" Orochmaru spat, he ran at Itachi, summoning his snake swords, they fought, Sasuke joining in. Kabuto went and untied Naruto, picking him up bridal style. He looks back at the three, and nearly made eye contact with Itachi, who was getting angry he got Naruto. "KABUTO LEAVE!" Orochimaru and Sasuke yelled at the same time. Kabuto nodded and ran out, naruto held onto him for dear life. He was horrified. Itachi never acted like that and Naruto knew that. If anything if he didn't see his face he would have never knew...there was no way that was the Itachi Uchiha they all knew. That had to be someone else. "We shouldn't have let you leave...Orochimaru had a bad feeling. That's how we got here so quick" kabuto said looking down at Naruto. "Heh...its my fault i was too weak" Naruto said, kabuto tch'd. "You are one of the strongest people i know. Nobody could have expected this. We are never letting you out of our sights again." Kabuto said as he ran out of where Itachi had Naruto. He ran to their nearest base. Taking Naruto into a room. He wanted to put Naruto down but Naruto didn't want to be left alone. Kabuto smiled and rocked the young boy back and forth, helping him calm down.

A couple hours past and the door was opened, in coming the 2 who looked uninjured. They ran to Naruto, instantly hugging him. "Were so sorry love....god i knew i should have made you stay" Orochimaru spat. In all truth Naruto was so scared but he needed to stay strong, so he hid it. Like he's always done "hey im ok, im perfectly fine. I swear. He didn't do anything too ba-" "HE ALMOST FUCKING RAPED YOU NARUTO" Sasuke basically yelled. Naruto flinched a bit "'s not anything to fret over. He was stopped." "And what if he wasn't. What if we couldn't get there." Sasuke asked. "Then i wouldn't be here...and it would have happened. Nothing i could do about it" Naruto said..he didn't even want to think of that possibility. " need to stop. Please stop hiding everything Naruto" Orochimaru said. He's always noticed how the boy hides everything. In all the wars, they have been on opposing sides...he'd always noticed the boy doesn't care how he feels as long as everyone else is ok. Naruto jumped into Orochimaru's arms and held on tight. He couldn't hold anything in anymore. He screamed and cried....all Orochimaru could do was comfort him. The others rubbed his back. They would be there forever. No matter what.

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