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The three of them got back to the temple and Chen attended business while Clouse took Skylor to the library. He picked her up and set her down on a chair. Clouse's serpent made her way into the room and curled up next to Skylor. Skylor giggled and pet the serpent's head gently as Clouse got supplies.

Clouse wheeled over a whiteboard and placed some paper, pencils, and books on the table. Skylor was a smart kid. She knew the alphabet, how to write her name, and simple sentences. She also knew what sounds each letter made. Granted, she has been in 'school' for a while so it's normal for her to know all of this by now. 

Clouse drew a circle on the whiteboard, " Skylor, what shape is this?" He asked her. " It's uh, its the shape Annie goes into!" Skylor smiled. " Yes, but what shape is that?" Skylor had to think for a bit, "Circle!" Clouse smiled and nodded. " That is correct, and this one?" He drew a square. " Sqink!" She blurted out. " A what?" He chuckled. " A sqink!"

Clouse shook his head and asked again. Skylor didn't know. Clouse wrote square above the shape. " It's a square Skylor, it has four sides that are all the same length." " What if they are different lengths?" She asked. " Then, it's a rectangle." He drew a rectangle. " Squares can be rectangles but a rectangle can't be squares."

Clouse continued to teach Skylor, going into multiple subjects but sticking with mostly shapes. He used his magic sometimes to keep her interested. After a few hours of teaching, Skylor was allowed nap time. Skylor curled up, laying on Anith who decided it was nap time for her as well. Clouse smiled and laid a blanket on them. He left the library, turning off the light.

Clouse walked down the hallway and went he was about to turn, two arms wrapped around his waist from behind. Clouse quickly looked behind himself and saw Chen smiling at him. Clouse sighed, relaxing slightly. " Oh, it's just you master." " Who else would be hugging you Clousey Clouse?" Chen asked. Clouse shrugged. " Exactly."

" What is it, Master?" Clouse asked, walking with Chen still wrapped around his waist. " Skylor learning well?" Chen asked, almost tripping over his feet. " Yes, she is. She's a smart girl but I think I've taught her shapes a bit too late. My own mistake, not hers." Clouse looked at the walls. " Where is she now?" "She's napping in the library. She is safe Master, Anith is with her."

Chen hummed, " Good good." Chen played with the fabric of Clouse's clothes. " Master, what are you doing?" Clouse questioned, stopping his walk along the hallways. " I'm just bored Clousey, and you just so fun to be with." Chen smiled. " Master, I am the least fu-" " Shut it Clouse. You are fun to me." Chen pouted. 

Clouse smiled slightly, " What would you like to do then?" " Can I watch you study your magic?" Chen asked, coming around the side to look at Clouse. Clouse switched his smile to his resting face. " Just to make sure you are doing good is all. You were once my student." Chen added. " Of course Master." 

Clouse walked to his room with Chen still wrapped around him. Clouse opened the door to the library-like room. His bed was folded up and hidden inside the walls along with the other bedroom-like furniture. " Why do you hide your furniture and make your room just look like another library?" Chen asked, finally removing himself from Clouse. " Because it looks better in my opinion." Clouse grabbed his spellbook and flipped to a marked page.

Chen sat on the ground and watched his former student practice his magic. He loved Clouse's concentrated face. The light flickered slightly as Clouse used his dark magic. Chen sighed dreamily at Clouse as he used his magic. Clouse noticed the way Chen was looking at him and it made his heart beat faster. He was getting distracted and the book he was making float fall down and hit him in the face with extra force. Messing up a spell has side effects.

Clouse groaned and held his nose, backing up slightly. Chen gasped and got up,  "Clousey Clouse! Are you ok?!" Chen walked up and removed Clouse's hand from his nose. A bruise was already forming on his nose. Chen made that hissing noise when you suck in air. " That looks painful. Are you ok?" He asked. Clouse nodded when though it stung like hell. 

Clouse rubbed his nose but pulled away quickly, hissing from the pain. " Don't touch is Clousey, I'll go get some ice for you." Chen quickly left the room. Clouse leaned against a bookshelf and ghosted his hand over his nose. He sighed and waited for Chen to come back. He kicked the book he was making float away slightly, angry at the object even though this was his fault.

Once Chen returned, Clouse moved his hand. Chen gently placed the bag of ice onto Clouse's nose. Clouse winced and bit his lip when the bag touched his nose." You ok?" Chen asked, his voice dripping with worry. " I'm fine master. No need to mother over me." Clouse snickered. Chen gave him an unamused face. " I will poke your nose." " Please don't."

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