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She took a deep breath, reminding herself to push her troubles out of her mind for the weekend. She was far away from all her obligations, and she planned to enjoy her temporary break.


She shut of her phone as Lauren stirred. Good - she hadn't seen her texting. Lauren seemed perturbed last night when she was writing to Dinah, and she didn't want any weirdness between them. She wanted only good times with Lauren, only dessert. This weekend together was the frosting on a scrumptious cupcake. It wasn't real, and that was A-OK. She sure as hell loved a cupcake, and right now she wanted another bite.

Now was a good time as any to show this woman what kind of wake-up call she could deliver, so she slinked down under the sheets and stroked Lauren a few times, enjoying the low rumbles from the girl's chest as she started to wake up.

She wrapped her lips around Lauren, and instantly the girl's hands were tangled in her hair and held on tight as she licked and caressed Lauren in her mouth. Lauren groaned loudly, and Camila thrilled at the sound, at knowing she could do this to Lauren, elicit this sort of reaction.

"Good morning to me" Lauren murmured in a sleepy voice. Her voice was rough, husky from the early hour, and the sound turned Camila on even more.

She let Lauren fall from her lips momentarily, "It's going to be a very good morning in a few minutes"

"That's all it's going to take?"

Camila arched an eyebrow, "You think I can't make you come quickly?"

"The verdict is out" Lauren said with a lazy grin.

She narrowed her eyes, "For that attitude, Lauren, you just brought yourself a wicked tease" she said and returned to the girl's delicious dick, flicking the tip of her tongue up and down Lauren's length. Lauren groaned slightly as she licked her, but she stopped short of taking her into her mouth.

"I'm going to take my sweet time now" Camila said with a purr.

"I can handle it" Lauren said.

"I don't know if you can" she swirled her tongue around the head, then rubbed Lauren against her lips, watching the girl as she administrated her best torture. Lauren's chest rose up and down, and her eyes darkened as she stared at Camila, "It's getting harder, isn't it?"

"It sure is"

"You still want this? I'm not entirely convinced" she said, and blew a stream of air across her dick. Lauren twitched against her lips and Camila quickly kissed the tip then released her.

Lauren cursed under her breath.

"I didn't hear you. Are you sure you want me to do this?"

"I want you" Lauren muttered, and Camila grinned, knowing how hard it was for Lauren to have the tables turned.

Still, she wasn't ready to give in. She needed Lauren to want her desperately, to need her terribly, "I think i might require you to ask real nice" she said, as she cupped Lauren's balls, lightly rolling them in her hand, then darting down to give a quick lick and kiss to that most sensitive set of parts. She gripped her shaft hard in her hand as she tasted Lauren, and those twin actions set of a long, long moan from the girl.

"Please" she whispered, so low it was barely audible.

"I'm not sure I can hear you" Camila said, but started giving Lauren her reward, taking her all the way in her mouth, surrounding Lauren's hot, hard length with her lips.

She panted hard, and nearly growled at the relief. But Camila stopped once again, peeking up at her, enjoying the view of her big, strong body stretched out on the sheets.

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