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"You make me come so fucking hard, Camila. So. Fucking. Hard" Lauren said, driving into her, as she joined Camila.


The moon glowed overhead, bathing the balcony in a shimmery light. Camila was snuggled in one of Lauren's sweatshirts. It had the name of her alma mater across the front, and for some reason that made her like wearing it even more. Maybe because it was not only Lauren's, but it also said something about the girl. She was a woman who knew her stuff. She was passionate about her work, dedicated, driven.

But then, Shawn had known his stuff too, hadn't he? He was a passionate photographer, until, well, until he took off. Hell, maybe he was shooting beach shots somewhere. She didn't have a clue.

She angled her chopsticks into the carton of pad Thai, dug out some noodles and took a bite. Lounging across and outdoor bench, her legs rested on Lauren's thighs. The girl had covered the bench with a blanket because the wood was damp from the earlier rain. Now, the night sky was quiet, and the faint hints to the earlier storm clung to the air.

Lauren was clad in boxer briefs and a t-shirt that showed off her sexy, sculpted arms. Camila found herself enjoying the view immensely, even though she'd enjoyed plenty of views of the girl undressed already. Lauren was ogle-able at all times - in a button-up shirt, in a t-shirt, in her birthday suit.

"Mmm. This hits the spot"

Lauren took a bite of the noodles too, "We worked up an appetite"

"I'll say" Camila said, then set her carton down on the table. Lauren reached for her legs and began rubbing her calves, gently massaging them with her strong hands.

Camila stretched and wiggled closer, delighting in the relaxing feel of Lauren's firm hands sending a new kind of pleasure through her, one that her made muscles sing, and her veins flood with warmth, "You are too good to me" she murmured.

"Only way I want to be" Lauren said and sighed happily, a contented sound as she rubbed Camila's legs, then moved down to her feet, cupping the girl's ankle in one hand as she massaged the arch of her foot with her thumbs, "I figure your feet can use this, with those crazy heels you wear"

"I like my crazy heals"

"I love your crazy heals, and I want to make sure you can keep wearing them"

"How do you like them best?" Camila said, playfully.

"With your legs wrapped around my neck"

She smiled at Lauren, a woozy sort of contentment bathing the night, "What time is it? I feel like I lost all sense of the world around me tonight"

Lauren bent down to kiss her shin, "Good. That's how it should be. And to answer your question, it's nearly midnight"

A brief hit of tension touched down in her body, like an alarm. Tomorrow night at this time, she'd be heading home. This weekend - perfect as it was - would be over. It would be a delicious memory, but only that. A slice of her life that was in the past.

There was a part of her that wanted to stop time, and live in this escape to California for a while, forget her debts, forget her obligations, forget Ally and her husband and the rest of the employees and Cubic Z. Ignore the whole wide world and live in this bubble of sex and chemistry and the delicious sort of getting-to-know-you that fools a person into falling. Boy, was she falling for Lauren, headfirst into a crazy kind of feeling, the kind that made her want to send the girl sweet texts and naughty texts, that made her want to talk to her about everything and nothing, that made her want to hear all about Lauren's day. Every day.

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