Sam paced up and down the wall, gun down by his side. He made sure all his men were in place and ready to shoot as soon as the Pure were sighted. He looked at a computer placed on a desk; "Shoot, they are coming in fast. Did they have victory over their last battle?" A man, occupying the chair next to the desk replied; "umm, no. Wait, yes. Yes they did. Here's the surveillance of the attack." After a few taps on the keyboard an image appeared on screen and began to play. On the screen could be seen a wall surrounding a castle being blown to pieces by a large canon. A canon shining with a red light and firing gigantic green fireballs, demolishing the brick wall. Then the Pure entering the destroyed wall and slaying all the soldiers inside, behind them followed a colossal, armoured creature wielding two laser axes. "Holy shit!" Sam cursed focusing closer on the Pure's tactics; "Okay lads! The Pure have one of the Beat Weapons with them. The Beast Canon. Everyone needs to take out the men operating the Canon first. The only way they can enter the wall is using the canon so the others won't do any damage. Once all the canon operators are down, attack the titans or anarchies whatever. Take them down by aimin at their heads, that's the weakest part of them. Once the Anarchies are down, kill the rest. Ok? Let's go!" He yelled and everyone fell into place taking in their commands. From within the forest came an army of men screaming an shouting. The pure. The canon came into view as did the anarchies. The canon was put into place and gun shots were taken. Bullets flew through the air, colliding with the heads of the Pure. Each time, killing them instantly. Eventually all the canon operators were down and the Pure were confused at what to do with the canon. A few attempted to operate it themselves, with no clue what they were doing, and were shot in the head. Eventually they all just stopped what they were doing and called the Anarchies in to destroy the Wall. One of them wore black armour (they all did to be honest) and had a blue, scaly face. It was tall and muscular and wielded a tall, blue laser sword. Another wore black armour, with a green scaly face. It too was tall and muscular and wielded a green laser bow. The last came up the hill wearing black armour, it had a purple, scaly face and was tall and muscular. However, as it approached the wall a large, black helmet conceiled his purple face. It wielded two, red laser axes. All of the soldiers moved aside to allow the Anarchy to move to the wall. The other two anarchies stood back and watched the Purple faced creature do it's work. Sam fired a rocket launcher into the top of it's head. Luckily, the helmet was only a mask. A mask to protect it's face but not it's head. These anarchies were larger than the one Sam killed in the forest. The rocket blew up ontop of te Anarchy's head, causing it to leave a large cut in it's head. All the soldiers shot into the cut as soon as the thick, grey fog cleared away. The anarchy screeched in pain as the bullets dug deeper into it's head. Eventually the bullets reached it's brain and it died. The Pure and the remaining two Anarchies retreated back into the forest. Leaving the canon in it's place. They all cheered and laughed over their victory but then suddenly, one of the soldiers was shot in the side of the head and he fell off of the wall. Sam rushed to the other side of the wall, where another set of the Pure's army attacked the wall and made their way in. Behind that set of the army, came the army Sam just saw retreat. It was all just a distraction.

13: The Beast Weapons
Short Story'War is upon us, General. We must do everything in our power to protect our District, our home!" The districts are under attack. The Pure (an ancient, religious tribe) are attacking the Districts after 3 years of non-lethal war, and trying to keep p...