Another Weapon:

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Sam wandered through the empty corridors towards John's office. His men followed behind him. About 12 of them. 4 men were carrying one object and 4 men another and 4 final men on another. Sam burst the doors open and walked in, the loud noise of the doors opening startled John and he smiled as Sam walked in. "You got them?" Sam nodded and moved to let John to see all 3 Weapons. John squealed with excitement and hopped up and down on the spot like a little girl at christmas. He stopped being a bouncy bunny and went back to his desk, trying to stop a large grin creeping over his face. "I congratulate you General. Well done! However, we have located the next weapon. The arrow. You have... The Sword, Axe and Bow, I see? Get the arrow and return here and we'll discuss your next mission." Sam turned and walked away but before that, saluted. His men followed his lead and salute and left, leaving the weapons on the floor. Sarah entered the room, brushing past Sam as she did so. John looked up at her and frowned; "What is it, Sarah?" Sarah looked at her clipboard and back at John and replied, quietly and stammering with shock; "'s... We found a dead body at the steps of our Castle. It... It was dis...disgusting." John's eyes widened and he stood up, a concerned look upon his pale face; "What is it? Who... Who was it?" She looked up at John and she whispered back; "I think you know, sir. His body also had a note on it, a warning we think. The note said; 'Give Up John.' We think it's a warning as if whoever sent it is telling you to stop or he'll do that to you." John looked down and a tear streamed down his face; "G...Greg." He sniffed his tears away and began again; "That scumbag! Jackel sent it!" Sarah shook her head; "I'm sorry sir." And she left. The door closed behind her and from inside could be heard bashing and cracking and screaming and shouting. John lost his temper and smashed his office up.

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