"Yes," an excited John said, "you got them!" Sam nodded and they lay the Gauntlet beside the other 5 Weapons. "Now, we need to practice using them. We already know what to do. Where was it? Was it in the main HQ? If it was, we are going back there soon." Sam nodded and called in his men to practice. "Okay boys, John 'ere is gonna teach you how to use these Weapons. So pay attention!" All the soldiers stood in a line, straightened up, all listening very carefully to John speak; "Firatly the canon. We will need four men to work this. One man on each wheel, you will hold the canon steady and it reloads itself. To fire the Canon simply scream 'FIRE!'" He pointed at the Canon for the duration of his explanation. Four men, instantly, rushed forward to the Canon and practiced it a couple times and it worked.
"Well done!" Sam and John said in unison, then John continued; "To work the Gauntlet we need one man, a strong man, to put it on their right hand. After putting it on, tap the sigil in the palm of the Gauntlet and it will tighten itself around your wrist and enable its powers. Just one punch could kill a body-building mortal. Be careful with it." One man walked forward, brave and proud, he was incredibly muscular and he slipped the green Gauntlet on his wrist and tapped the sigil and it glowed with a green light. Suddenly, a smile appeared on his face with the green glow shining on his face. John walked over to the Bow and said; "Ah, now this is a little more complicated. Two men will need to work this. One man will wield the Bow and the other will wield the Arrow. To get the power working, one of you will need to hold the Bow whilst the other loads it with the Arrow. Once that is done, you will both be covered in a gigantic green armour. You will be a Goliath. Both of you will have to do Bow and Arrow motions, as if you were both loading and firing your own Bow. You will need to aim too, you will both be placed in the Helmet of the Goliath, one of you the right eye, the other the left one. You will have an aim tool thingy to help you aim, so use that and release the string of the mimed Bow once you have taken aim. If that makes sense." He looked confused for a minute but two soldiers stepped forward for the complex task. One of them held the Bow, the other loaded it. Then 'BAM' they became a colossal, armoured man. The armour glowing green. They fired an arrow using the technique they had learnt and two arrows were shot from the Bow in two different places. It was...so smart.
John and Sam smiled and sqealed with joy. John got back to explaining.
"The Sword and the Axe are the same. Take hold of them, tap the sigil on the handle and start swinging. You will be armoured with a green armour thing. It'll be cool, trust me." And finally two men stepped forward to take hold of the Sword and the Axe. The other men looked confused as to what they were supposed to do. John smiled and approached them slowly; "You, my friends, you are going to kill all The Pure and the Anarchies using these." His head nodded up to a man, who opened up a crate and from in the crate poured out, laser weapons. They all smiled and took hold of a weapon each. John looked at Sam and said; "Take your pick, general. Then be on your way, oh and take those pathetic Hunters with you, their job is to protect their District anyway." John walked out the room and Sam picked up a weapon of his own, and smiled as the laser lit up red.

13: The Beast Weapons
Short Story'War is upon us, General. We must do everything in our power to protect our District, our home!" The districts are under attack. The Pure (an ancient, religious tribe) are attacking the Districts after 3 years of non-lethal war, and trying to keep p...