Chapter one.

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A/N: This is my first story sorry if its shit, hope you enjoy.

//Hanna's POV\\

"Hanna, Get your ass up and tell your stupid fucking neighbors to turn their shit down" i let out a loud groan what a wonderful wake up call. "yougefgrhd" i mumbled my mind to full of sleep to even form words. "hanna hurry the fuck up im trying to sleep" she screamed again, count on my sister to wake me up with abuse. i guess i have to get up then. i slowly stuck my feet out of the bed flinching as my toasty feet met the cold wooden floor. A loud yawn left my mouth as i grabbed my grey ugg boots and slipped them on, the shit i do for my sister i thought as i grabbed my black hoodie. This was the first time im going to meet my neighbors and i have to do it wearing black booty shorts,ugg boots and a hoodie, my face completely bare and my purple hair pulled into a messy bushy mess ontop of my head. This should be fucking fun, i grumbled as i made my way across the lawn, the music getting louder as i reached the house, who plays music this early i thought as i banged my fist against the door, suddenly the music stopped and loud footsteps echoed through the now silent home. i slowly rubbed my face as another yawn fell from my lips. i quicly shut my mouth as the door slowly opend, once it fully opend, stood infront of me was 3 different boys, one with massive candyfloss hair, the other had reddy ginger hair and the last boy had blondy brown floppy hair and a nose piercing. My Mind went blanc as i took in the last boy his warm smile took my breath away, "urrm hi" the candyfloss haired boy said, i felt my cheeks turn red as i quickly took my gaze of the boy, "hi, umm i..i um live next door with my sister if you dont mind could you please turn your music down abit we are trying to sleep" my face went a deeper shade of red as i finished my excuse of a sentence, they all gave me a warm smile, "oh yeah, sorry about that we'll turn it down" this time it was the ginger boy who spoke. i quickly nodded whispering a small thankyou before turning around, i had to get back to the house before i made an even bigger fool of myself.

Just as reached the bottom of their front lawn i heard a shout, im guessing it was directed to me since they did shout 'oi, purple lady' and from the looks of things im the only purple lady here. i slowly turned around, the boy i had been ogling was stood at the door looking directly at me, i gave him a small wave before shouting back a weak 'what', he gave me another heart warming smile before walking towards me, "hello, im patty" he said sticking his hand out, i slowly extented my hand, "hanna" i mumbled, shaking his hand gently, he gave me another smile "i like your tattoos, i have ones just like them on my knees" he finished it took me a moment to realise what he was talking about the two large crosses on the backs of my legs, i slowly nodded my head "thanks, umm i have to go now, ill see you around patty" i mumbled, he slowly nodded his head "see you later Hanna" i gave him a smile before turning around and walking back towards my house."Wow" i murmerd as i reached my front door.

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