15. Jane's Hospital Room

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After two days being in the ICU ward, Jane is moved to a huge room with a wider bed that the hospital uses for bigger size patients. Maura takes a shower and puts on new scrubs and attaches her Identification badge. Jane is wheeled into her new room with her new bed but is out cold. The doctor is keeping her heavily medicated for now. He wants her to sleep more so her body can heal better. She doesn't always wake up when they do her vitals. Maura asked her to bring her work scrubs that have her name on it , her lab coat and her lap top so she can keep on top everything. She told Samuel's she will do the stuff what she can from her lap top. He is grateful.  He felt like he was drowning.  He is glad Maura got the job than him. He gives her kudos.  He cannot see how she can be all overtly perky and not moody all the time. Susie emailed her. Thank you.  He was getting short and being too moody. She wasn't liking that side of him.
Jane finally wakes up. I log off.

"Maura I know you have a job to do

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"Maura I know you have a job to do."  "I am do my job right here. The governor sends you his regards.  He says you are my top priority. I am assisting my team from here.  I have a qualified team you know that. If they need me,  I will go in but that is the only way the governor wants me to be there." I lean in and kiss Jane.  " Your vitals are getting better.  I know you don't like being heavily medicated.  Its helping your body heal better. The sooner you heal like your doctor wants you, the sooner you get to come home with me." " When do you think MA can come back to visit?  She knows she messed up.  She won't do that anymore. " " Baby girl, I am here now with approved chicken home made soup and crackers. I  missed you so much. Eat before you fall back asleep. Dr. Isles you are right.  I don't know all and what ie best for my daughter. Thank you for your candor.  You do care about my little darling." Angela please call me Maura. " MA  hugs Maura and she reciprocated. Jane is close to finishing but nods off with the spoon to her mouth. Maura removes the spoon and hands it ro Angela." I will find out what I can bring tomorrow for lunch.  Jane tells me you eat healthy.  I will bring you some green tea and a chef salad with one sour dough sliced bread for you tomorrow. "  " Thank you Angela.  I will TELL the nurses to cancel our lunch tomorrow except the bottled water and her juice,and  fruit. " Angela leaves.  I take a nap with Jane. Jane is sleeping better while I still wake up when they take her to rest room and take her vitals. Jane sleeps until dinner time. This girl and food. She can eat a horse and still would eat five minutes later. Our food arrives. Jello, one slice of bread with a pack of butter,  broccoli and a chicken breast, bottle water with a cranberry juice. I get the same with an addition,  a baked potato that I add chives, butter, pepper and sour cream. Jane looks at our food. "Can I have your baked potato?" "No, its not on your menu choice." "Maura get real, my choices are crappy. "
"Crappy or not, you may not." Jane pouts and asks for jello. I give my little child here her my jello. If I  didn't know better, I  would think she is back in grade elementary school when she pouts and is happy as a camper when she gets her way. We talk some before she asks me where do I see our relationship going. "Jane I see us having a family together,  growing old,  fighting on what show we watch. I will want to watch a documentary and you rather watch the redsox play." We both chuckle because we can imagine us fighting over the tv. "Maura when we get closer to that age,  we will need to tv's and headphones so we don't disturb each other." " Jane, like the head phones 🎧is going to really block me from hearing 📣you say, come on umpire that was a strike or he is safe." Jane laughs.  Her doctor comes in. "Dr. Isles, I see you are making my patient laugh. Shame on you.  You know laughter is not healthy for Jane." We both laugh.  " Alright you two comedians,  har har when do you think I can leave this castle?"
" Princess Jane if you keep improving,  your prince should be able to take you home to your kingdom by this weekend. I am glad your mother is checking with the nurses she can bring.  I will soon be changing your diet to include a cookie occasionally for lunch  ... occasionally my princess Jane." " Thanks doc." "No need to thank me. Thank your prince over here, she keeps us common folk in line. " We all laugh. "Yes doc, I do have a prince who truly cares and watches over me to protect me.  I am definitely blessed. "
Maura gets back in bed  with me. I am one lucky princess. I kiss my prince and slip my tongue in. Maura kisses me back. " Jane we need to stop. We don't need your vitals to get high and go whacko. " Fine fine." " My child, get to sleep now." Jane goes back to sleep after they give her evening medications. She no longer is taking her medications via an IV. I stroke her hair and sing a llulaby to her. She nods off as I do.I  was so exhausted that I didn't wake up for vitals that night. I  was very careful not to wake Maura up when the nurse came to take me to the restroom and take me a shower. I  went straight to bed and nodded off.

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