Behind The Blood Red Doors. (pt. 1)

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I pressed my face against the old leather couch. The bright vivid tone it had once possessed, was now worn out, and faded. I sighed, and forced myself on my feet. All the walls around me had a tint of stale mustard yellow, covered in some filthy unrecognizable growths. I groaned, as I heavily dragged myself out of the room. I let my feet march pass the hallways, and skitter into my dad's office. I stood there. Helplessly nudging at his shoulder. "DaAaaAaAdDDd" His desk was miserably small, and yet I was quite surprised at how many items he could cramp in there. He didn't seem to care. Behind him was placed a fairly tall bookshelf. The wood was painted white, disguising how eerie the original colour was. He hung a few family photographs and pasted blank pictures of marvelous places we haven't even been too. Nonetheless, he looked too absorbed by his own cyber world to take in my presence, or his surroundings... I silently peered over him, failing to understand how he could be so interested in such tedious occupations! Knowing I couldn't do anything more than to simply annoy him, I sulkily grumbled my way to the kitchen. I glared. As usual, I found my mother on her phone, while pathetically gaping over some watery soup of hers. Eww. I gazed around me. Hopelessly noticing how poorly decorated the house was. Ughh... Was this seriously how my life was going to be now ???

I found the sky distressingly dull today. The buildings glared at me, my neighbors scoffed at my sight! It felt like my whole world was beginning to wither and sag. I flared my nostrils in disgust, and switched my attention to the streets ahead. It was all the same. Both painted in rancid lameness. "MhhMmhHmMmH..." I moaned. My eyes slammed shut, wearily clutching my knees. I rocked back and forth. Attempting to seal away the infuriating voices that screeched at me. It appeared that whatever tension was going on outside, definitely found its way into my head... There was a constant chatter going on, so soft and compacted, that it sounded like a deep buzz. It was maddening! My head was spinning, and I began to shake. This was too much for me to take. So without thinking twice, I bolted up on my feet, and hurriedly scampered away from the city. Not looking back. Not even once.

Heart racing, legs trembling, clothes drenched with sweat. I gave in and exploded on my bed, embracing the soft coverlets that fondly caressed against my flushed cheeks. I breathed out. Relief washing over me. Glancing around my new room, I had no choice but to accept the same dreary monotonous pieces of furniture, carelessly scattered throughout the floor. Devastated, I rose. Peering at every corner, and shadow. Exasperated to find something I could occupy myself with. Nothing... Fighting the urge to pout, I plummeted back into my sheets. Eyeballing the ceiling. There was an old lamp, loosely dangling above me. It gave a dark sketchy glow. So stale and feeble, it barely lit up anything! I shrugged. And swiveled around. Gnawing down behind me. There perched, a little shelf. The sides were rusty, and the wood itself appeared to be a little horrendous.. I squinted closer, the front drawer slightly opened. A wave of fear mixed with excitement jolted through me. There was a peculiar sort of vitality inside it. It felt alive. Mesmerizing me. Quivering with anticipation, I painfully extended my arm, and dug in there. It felt funny... Something was obviously unusual. Abruptly, I gasped. The energy hit me like a blast! I gave a small shout of bewilderment as my body flew in the air. Floating just above my door. I hit the ground hard, the wind getting knocked out of me. For a split second I saw stars. My vision became obscure, and all my thoughts were clogged up. But there was something in my hands... Something exceptionally odd. I brang it to my face. Wearily fingering the thing. It seemed to be a... A crayon? All this simply for a crayon? The colour was a deep blood red. Shimmering in my hands. I intensely observed it. There had to be something else about this! But as if the ridiculous thing read my mind, it started twitching and jerking about. And without warning, It leapt out of my grasping fingers, and clumsily traced at my walls. A door. It drew a door. And the door opened. I blinked. Making sure I wasn't dreaming. I felt like screaming. My heart was pounding out of my chest, big beads of sweat dripping down my forehead. I stole a glimpse of the pen. It became still, and motionless. I held my breath and shuffled towards it. Hoping I wouldn't regret this.

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