chapter 4 :)

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A/N first of all, the pic is how close the houses are, second, do a few people actually like this book?? Now I feel bad for not updating in forever.... Third remember we left off on warren asking if she's his new neighbor k byeee

"Uh... Yeah probably," the girl said, smiling up at him. He looked a little bewildered.
"Oh... Why didn't I know that?" The blonde just shrugged.
"I wasn't paying attention either," and with one last wave and a small "goodbye" she walked the short distance to her front door and walked in.
Warren smiled and shook his head, walking into his own home. His mom wouldn't be home for a while, she was still at work(a doctor at the children's clinic) so he had time alone. As he always did. He would never admit it, but he was lonely. His mom was always at work when he came home, and everyone at school was afraid of him. Yes, the whole instilling fear into the hearts of many at school was his own fault, but maybe if someone had actually tried. Like Rebecca had.
Sighing, he dropped his bag onto the hard wood floor and made his way to the kitchen, grabbing a piece of leftover pizza before heading up to his room.
He sat on his bed, looking out his window and into his new neighbors home. Yes, it was a bit creepy, but he kind of hoped the room right across from his window belonged to his new friend. It used to be the bedroom of a nine year old boy name Tyler, with comic book posters and clothes everywhere. But now, instead of seeing a child's dirty underwear, he saw floral bedspread and twinkle lights. Low and behold, it was Rebecca's room.

Rebecca walked into her new room  holding a box, putting It on her bed. She opened it, looking at all the decorations from her old room. She got right to work putting up picture frames and posters, putting little trinkets on her desk in front of the window.
She looked up to see none other than Warren Peace, her first friend in the new town leaning out his window right across from her. She felt butterflies, like she did the whole time she was with him earlier, and smiled at the boy.
She held up a finger, signalling him to give her a second, before sliding her desk over, out of the way if the window. The blonde walked back over in front of her now clear window, and leaned out towards him as well. The houses were close together, so the could reach out and touch each others hands if the wanted.
"Well hello there," she greeted him (A/N yes that was a star wars reference).
  "Nice day we're having," Warren said to her, trying not too grin to big.
"Damn, our houses are way to close together," the girl reached out to him, and he only had to reach out a bit to touch her hand. She laughed and high fived him, retracting her hand back into her room.
"I wonder if I could just climb into your room," she muttered, more to herself then him. She was already climbing up onto her windowsill. The brunette looked at her confused as she crouched on the windowsill, barefoot and still in a skirt.
She stared across the distance between the windows, sizing it up.  Suddenly over the space, confidently stepped into his sill, and ducked into his window. She grabbed his shoulder as she stepped down into the floor, using him to keep steady.
With her two feet now firm on the cold wood floor, she flung her arms out in a grand gesture, like she had just finished a gymnastics performance.
                 "Ta da~" she grinned at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2021 ⏰

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