chapter 2 my dudes

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Warren sat in his usual seat at the back of the bus, brooding as usual. He thought about his encounter with the new girl Rebecca... 

He was startled out of his thoughts by someone sliding into the seat next to him. He watched Rebecca as she carelessly threw folders and textbooks into her backpack, zipping it up then turning a bit to look him in the eyes.  He was again startled by the intensity of her bright blue eyes and kind smile. 

"well, hello again," she said, smile growing wider. Warren just smiled at her as he copied the movement and turned towards her. 

"Hi," he laughed out awkwardly. No one had ever actually made an effort to sit next to him and be genuinely kind before. He didn't exactly know how to handle it. 

"Ok, am I the only one that thinks all the teachers here are insane? They're all so intense, it's almost comical," she giggled out, actively starting a conversation.

"Oh, just wait until we do save the citizen,"  Warren got immediately more comfortable with her easygoing attitude, and soon they fell into easy conversation. people around them looked on in shock as they laughed together. Warren Peace, laughing? How was that even possible? That new girl was brave... and funny enough to get the stoic rock that is Warren to laugh apparently.  

As the bus driver turned the key and started driving towards the edge of school, Rebecca held onto Warren's arm and closed her eyes as they drove off the edge into a free fall. As they swooped back up into a smooth glide through the air, she let go. The hothead  didn't want to admit it, but he didn't want her to let go. 

"sorry, I don't like that part," she told him quietly. 

"it's fine," his cheeks felt hotter than normal, and he knew there was light wash of pink across his cheeks. He was already somehow head over heels for this girl. And little did he know, she felt the same way about him. 

The rest of the ride was uneventful for them. They kept talking and laughing, leaving the rest of the bus riders in awe. Everyone was talking about how the highly sought after new girl was friends with Warren Peace, scariest the person in school. And he liked her.

And she seemed to like him back.

Warren Peace x Reader (Aka Me Sorry Y'all)Where stories live. Discover now