chapter 3 baybeeee

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As the bus rolled to a stop, Rebecca stood , slinging her bag onto her shoulder.

"This is my stop," she pouted. But Warren just smiled again and stood up next to her.

"Don't say bye just yet flower girl, this is my stop too," he chuckled, towering over her. Rebecca smiled and walked to the bus exit with a skip in her step, the hothead close behind her. She spun around to look at him as the bus drove away from behind him.

"Which way are you going?" She asked, looking up at him.

"Left. You?" "Same here," she said, taking his hand and pulling him to walk beside her. She looked up at the trees lining the sidewalk as they went, enjoying the warmth from his hand. He usually didn't like new people touching him at all, but she was an exception for some reason. He enjoyed her calming touch. It was usually a long, hard journey for anyone to make the dark haired male feel safe to be completely authentic with someone, yet his new flowery companion had done it in less than a day.

There was just something special about the new friendship. They obviously had a strange connection, and they could both feel it. Like a strange buzz of excitement every time the other laughed or smiled. The butterflies in their stomachs were strong, and neither wanted the fluttering wings inside them to stop.

"This is a pretty neighborhood," Rebecca broke the comfortable silence. Warren hummed, looking around at the unique homes around him, all different colors and shapes. Sprinklers kept laws green and flowers in bloom as children laughed and played in the quiet street. It was small, and slightly cramped, but it was nice. He had never taken the time to notice just how many colors of flowers there were, and how much green there was. It really was beautiful, in a simple way.

Rebecca slowed to stop in front of a few dying rose bushes, looking around to see if anyone was watching. When she confirmed is would be safe, she waved her hand and brought them back to full health. The white, pink and yellow flowers grew back before their eyes,  blooming steadily into bright, beautiful roses.

"The person who lives here is a newly single mom, and she doesn't have time to keep her roses happy," she smiled softly, "so I gave her some BS advice and told her check them later." Warren laughed.

"I get the feeling only you could make helping someone sound like your a bad guy," he said, looking at her fondly. She smiled back, and continued down the sidewalk.

They were almost at the end of the cul-de-sac, coming up on the last houses. She still hadn't showed signs of turning to one of the houses that lined the street. Finally, she started to slow down.... Dangerously close to Warren's own home.

Then something dawned on the fiery hero.

"Are you my new neighbor?"

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