the date?

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Bakugous pov

I was in a bush sneaking around after ray and uraraka,i peaked my head to see them walking,watched as ray stopped uraraka and hugged her,deku then hot of her hands and watched"shouldnt we be back at au"he said quietly"shhh"i said,ray let go and she and uraraka walked to a café,uraraka grabbed rays hand and they to walked in,i sighed"they just havibg a fun day together kacchan"deku said,i looked at him"you sure about that deku"i said"yes,ray said that she and uraraka are going ou-"deku stopped"oh my god,there on a date"he said,"shut up"i said coving his mouth,ray and uraraka then walked wit 2 boxes,uraraka grabbed rays hand and pulled her to her and kissed her,i grabbed deku and pulled him to were we were gonna meet them,he stood and glared at me,i sticked y tongue at him"Hey guys"i hear,i look and uraraka has rays hand and ray is looking down"is my sister ok?"deku asked"yea,she fines,anyways we got you favorite food"uraraka said,we smiled and started walking,as we were walking uraraka grabbed rays hand,i smirked,

3 hours later(they live together)

We walked in the door,ray and uraraka walked to the kitchen,i locked the door and went to the table,but as i walked in,uraraka had ray pinned to a wall and was kissing her,deku was taking a picture,i grabbed him after her took the picture,i then pinned him and kissed him

After the makeout season and eating

I was in mine and dekus room playing a game,deku walked in and sat down with me,he smiled and laid on me,i finished the game and kissed him,he kissed back,we then laid down on our bed,i held him as he closed his eyes,i then closed my eyes smiling

To be continued

dekus sister x urarakaWhere stories live. Discover now