9/11- Descriptive writing

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Hii everyone, this is just a bit of descriptive writing on 9/11 that I had to write for part of my English GCSE. I thought some of you might like to read it or whatever :)

Enjoy! xxx


September 11th 2001 started like any normal day. People rush here and there desperately trying not to be late. Including myself as I scrambled into the elevator in a rush I had over slept, only just making it to work on time. I stepped out on to the 107th floor. The air conditioning a strong contrast to the hot summer air outside.

The room was already a busy hive of activity. The familiar sound of people's fingers tapping against their keyboards resounded though the gigantic building like a symphony playing along with the low murmur of chatter as people worked.

I felt it before I heard it. Rippling vibrations spread though out the room like an earthquake erupting, knocking people of their feet! A split second later the sound of shattering glass and walls tumbling into one and other was heard...then it was silent.

Everyone had just stopped.

Screams erupted followed by yells and cries. It seemed to shock everyone into motion. I jumped up and ran to the window. My mouth dropped at the sight and goose bumps spread across my skin. This was bad...This was very very bad.

The room slowly began filling with smoke. Everyone's faces held the same emotion: fear. As I stared out the window I noticed that an entire six floors had been demolished. I could see the blazing fire being reflected in the glass of the opposite tower. Although everyone was rushing around I felt as if I was frozen in one spot.

We were trapped.

Without even being able to come up with a single coherent thought, I felt people push against me desperately trying to open the windows to get some well needed fresh air. My mind began spinning as I thought of my family.

That's when I felt the tears slowly slip down my cheeks. I jumped as I felt someone shaking me. Blinking rapidly I turned to face them. "We have to try get out?!" He yelled. I had never talked to this man before but somehow I wish I had, spent more time with people I would inevitability die with. "It cut right though the lift shaft!" Another women yelled. "Let's try the stairs" someone suggested. Everyone began making their way to the stairwell when there was another heart stopping crash. I started out the window but could see nothing but smoke. Now Instead of fresh air coming through the open windows it was deadly smoke. I felt it sting my eyes and coughed as it momentarily blocked my airways.

It was getting increasingly difficult to see but we still pursued on to the stairwell only when we got there to find empty shafts where the stairs once stood and red hot oxygen starved flames ragging below that. We weren't getting out of this. My heart ached for all the innocent people who were already dead. There would be many more to come I was sure of it. All of a sudden my only objective was to reach to my phone and call my family. As I reached my desk I pulled out my mobile phone noticing the uncountable number of missed calls and texts. I didn't bother reading them simply sending an identical text to all my loved ones. 'I love you.'

Scrambling to the window I joined the already growing crowd. The smoke was becoming too much. I could feel it seeping into my lungs making breathing more difficult by the second. I could hear the sirens outside but knew they would be of no help. Every fibre oozed with fear as I realised my impending doom.

As I stared out the window I saw objects falling from the floors above and below tumbling to the ground and hitting the floor with bone breaking force. My breath caught in my throat for what felt like the millionth time today. People where jumping. Realising they could only control one thing...either burn to death or jump to it. Windows that had not been smashed where now being smashed only this time with a purpose. People were grasping what little control they had left in their trembling hands and jumping into nothingness.

Then I felt the building shake again but this time with much more force. The sounds of walls collapsing in on themselves with agonizing thuds filled the air. Desk chairs, computers and everything you could imagine including people were torn from where they stood. I heard the long blood curdling scream past my lips as I too was flung backwards my head hitting the floor as I struggled to keep my eyes open it was a losing battle though and I felt the smoke curl around my lungs like a rope getting tighter and tighter until I finally gave up the fight slowly sinking into oblivion.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2015 ⏰

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