Chapter 3: The Day That Wasn't

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"I just talked to the people who own the studio, they want you in tomorrow!" She exclaimed with a grin.

"Wait really?! Tomorrow?!"

I was a bit shocked. The original idea was that I was suppose to come in, in a week! Does this mean i'm only staying here for a few weeks? I planned to stay here for a few months. What's gonna happen now?

"Yes, so you'll have to get up early for it and be prepared." She replied pointing her finger.

Some more time passed and I was bored again. Aunty went to run some errands, and the sun was already setting, so I started randomly singing just for kicks and giggles. Suddenly, I heard my phone go off. I went to grab it from the desk sitting next to my bed, and noticed I got a text message.


Hey girly! How's LA so far?!

It was a text message from one of my closest friends, Marie Chance. I've known her for years and she's always been there for me for as long as I can remember.


It's pretty amazing so far,
all the places and the air is fresh,
and I.. kindaaa met someone


What?! Already?! Who?!


He's also a singer apparently, and famous😏




You know who Aidan Gallagher is..?


Y/N.. please tell me your kidding.. Aidan fuc*ing Gallagher..

Next thing I know is Marie started calling me soon as she sent that. I answered.

"AIDAN GALLAGHER YOU MEAN AIDAN GALLAGHER?!!!" She yelled with a high scream.

"I'm guessing you know him then." I chuckled, almost choking on my spit. 


"Really? How come I've never heard of him before than huh? Oh I got his number too." I smirked raising my eyebrows.

"Okay miss sassy pants." She snarled back. "You have Netflix, so look up The Umbrella Academy, and you'll for sure find him."

"I will than, but I still haven't texted him, should I?"

"Yes!! This is perfect! He could totally help you become a singer and make you famous Y/N!" She said squealing.

My heart started beating faster and faster thinking about that. Beautiful red carpet coming my way, flashing lights with paparazzi. Maybe, just maybe.

Marie and I decided to catch up on some things because it's been a while since I've seen her. Our call lasted for maybe an hour before we ended it.

This was it. I made a new contact on my phone, and I dialed the numbers Aidan wrote down on the sticky note. Boom, now what? I wasn't sure what to text him. Definitely something simple.


Hey! It's me Y/N from the library, hope you remember me haha!

I waited. I set my phone down on the desk and hopped on my bed and dug my face into my pillows hoping for a sound to come out of my phone.

My phone. It went off.

I decided to wait a minute before checking so I don't seem like a stalker or whatever.


Oh hey! Glad you texted,
I didn't think you would.

Took some guts,
anyways how are you,
and did you find the book?


I'm great actually,
I just got done recording
a few things in my studio with a friend, but I was hoping we could get that book together if you don't mind.


No way that's sick, I should come sometime, but yes I'd love to, what time?


Tomorrow at 3:00 PM? Would that work?


I'll ask my aunty, anyways it was nice talking to you Aidan have a good night.

I whined as I threw my phone on my bed frustrated. It was so awkward! Why was I like that?!
I heard my phone go off again but I didn't bother to check. Instead, I entered my bathroom and decided to take a shower before my Aunty could get back to the hotel.
I was drying off with the white hotel towel when I heard the hotel room door open. My guess was it was Aunty, so I wasn't too bothered.

I finished drying off so I opened the bathroom door to leave. I gasped.

It wasn't Aunty.

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