Finish Last

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Inspired by youthpastorryan's tiktok about finishing last and ben_brainard's response.


Ryan Kelly used to work for the First Order as an officer. He doesn't speak for the brand or the company, but he has many stories to tell.

Like the one time, he and the boys hit up a high society nightclub, The Climax, in the Uscru District of Coruscant. Ryan may have had the time of his life with someone unexpected.

His squad walked in like they owned the place. The First Order might, he wouldn't be surprised, but either way, The Climax was like a vast wild terrain waiting for him to purify it.

As he made his way to the bar he could feel the pulsing vibrations of the club around him. The bass beats making his heart quiver, the lights pulsing and shimmering off the bodies of the clientele, gyrating and grinding against one another. The scent of the place alone, sweat, liquor, and whatever sticky sweet scent they were pumping through the ventilation system, made his mouth dry as he pulled at his collar.

He found a seat at the high top as his buddies dispersed to find their own means of pleasure. A fine-looking Togruta behind the bar glided over to him with a coy smile she had perfected after years of working in an underground district like this. Her voice was like velvet when she asked, "What can I get for you, handsome?"

"Blue milk. Neat." He replied.

The female chuckled, "Coming right up baby boy."

As he waited for his order, there was a shift in the crowd. It seemed everyone was turning their attention to the main stage, pulling away from private dances and their sensual partners. The music faded to low beats, keeping the pulses flowing, but allowing the voice over the speaker system to announce, "Hello my most beloved and esteemed patrons of the night! It is now time for the performance you've all been waiting for! Get ready for an exclusive show you can only find at THE CLIMAX. Prepare to be blown away from the natural talent of BEN BRAINARD! Tips are appreciated..."

The club erupted into applause. Ryan had never seen this many people in a nightclub so engaged in a single performance. He soon found out exactly why.

Mr. Brainard was a magnificent masterpiece. He dominated the stage as if it was a lover. He kept the audience entranced, Ryan included. He was at the edge of his seat the whole time, droplets gathering on his neglected glass of blue milk as he remained locked onto the man. The whole thing was so spectacular, Ryan found himself wanting to laugh and cry or just reach up on that stage, yank Mr. Brainard right out of this nightclub and back with him to The First Order for his own personal entertainment. However, one of the first things Ryan was taught in The First Order was how to control his emotions. His face remained stoic. However, as the man on stage held eye contact with him through what may have been the most difficult part of the performance, Ryan did crack a smile. Mr. Brainard pulled it off so effortlessly Ryan could have fallen out of his chair.

When Mr. Brainard finished, there was a split second of silence followed by roaring applause.

Ryan saw a server passing by, tray raised with a delicacy on top. He turned to the female behind the bar and said, "I'll take one of those. I'll be in a more... private booth over there." He pointed to a barley-lit corner of the room.

The Togruta smiled and said "I can have Ben meet you over there if you would like. I think he had his eye on you."

Ryan swallowed as lightly as he could muster and his voice cracked slightly when he said, "That would be great. Thank you."

He finally saw her name tag. Srahana. He would have to leave her a big tip for her hard work. And hopefully, inspire her to not talk to anyone about how much of a fool he had been acting.

Ryan waited in the back booth for what seemed like hours. A server brought him a second glass of blue milk. He thought perhaps Mr. Brainard did not want to meet him and he should just cut his loss and leave now. Instead, he looked at his watch.

He had only been at The Climax for an hour.

It felt like a lifetime. He took a few more sips of his blue milk when he appeared, sliding into the booth across from Ryan, dark hair matted to his face, sweat gleaming from his brow. Mr. Brainard gave Ryan a big smile through flushed cheeks.

Ryan found himself at a loss for words. This is unacceptable. He is a captain in The First Order. He is a master of conversation. How could he be so tongue-tied around this man?

Luckily the server plopped down his order right in the middle of the table.

"Will you two be sharing?" the server asked.

Mr. Brainard looked at Ryan, who must look like a Xenokeryx in headlights, then back to the server and said "Yeah, that's fine."

The server left two spoons and some napkins then walked away.

"I hope you don't mind, this will be a great refresher," Mr. Brainard said while picking up a spoon.

"No, not at all," Ryan replied, "Help yourself, Mr. Brainard." He watched as the man slid his spoon delicately through the ice cream sundae.

"You can just call me Ben. No need to be so formal, sir." The performer smiled after taking a bite.

"Ben." Ryan echoed. "Well Ben, my name is Ryan. It is a pleasure to meet you. Your performance was... captivating."

"Wow, thank you, that means a lot. Oh, here you probably want some. It's yours after all" Ben held up a spoon to Ryan, which the officer took, fingers lightly brushing against each other to grasp the chilled utensil.

"Of course, the hype was well deserved. You have a natural talent. A gift." Ryan dug in for a few bites of the ice cream, then slid the bowl back to Ben.

"I just try to pull from my life and current events you know? Then it's just about the placing of specific words and timing." The man said between bites. "Sorry for all The First Order jabs. But you know, it's relevant. And the people eat it up."

"No, it made me laugh!" Ryan admitted. "Which probably isn't appropriate, but you were... hilarious. I would love to try comedy myself but, there's not exactly time for that in The First Order."

"You just have to follow your passion, dude. And I'm guessing you have a lot of material after being in Kylo Ren's puppet show. Uh sorry. Please don't arrest me."

Ryan chuckled. "I wanted to arrest you for how funny you were."

"Well if you ever do find the time and need some pointers, you know where to find me."

Ryan noticed chocolate sauce dripping down Ben's chin and offered him a napkin.

"Yeah, I think I'd like that," Ryan replied.

Ben looked down at the nearly empty bowl. "Oh no, man, I devoured your sundae. Do you want the last few bites?"

"No, you can have it. For a great show, I should get you another."

Ben looked cautious. "You're too nice for a First Order officer, letting me finish your ice cream?"

Ryan said, "Friends finish first, nice guys finish last, it's only polite." Giving Ben a small wink.

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