Chapter 1:Welcome to the STSN!!

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I'm up... I'm I? I? "Heyyyy Heyyy, You alive Miss Ma'am?" I barely hear a high peppy-like voice call out to me "Come on come on wake up! I can't see your face y'know!!" The voice said as I felt a shoulder on me, my body reacted and got up pinning the body down startled, I heard a small squeak before I squeezed my eyes tightly. "Hey, Hey! I'm sorry I startled ye!" The person said as I fell to the floor as the body slipped through me. I looked up and saw a tall girl with red hair with buns facing down, her skin was pale like which matched with her freckles on her face, she had the most beautiful green eye, the other eye look like it was gone, she had a short scarf on enough for covering her chest, she smiled at me. "Now then, Let's get with the introduction!" She said so excitedly "I'm Cassie! Cassie Lane! I'm a first-year but my Mom is a teacher here!" She said holding out her hand, I was a bit confused  "First-Year? We're at a school?" I asked the girl "Yeah! This is S.T.S.N!! School for The Super Natural!! It's where the kids with powers have been in prison for murder or any crime!" Cassie explained. I was silent, I then sighed and stood up.

"So So So!!! What's your name Ma'am so I can show you to your room!" She asked me, I was kinda surprised a girl like her would ever have committed a crime or anything like that. "Umm...Star...Starget, Starget Mils." I said kinda embarrassed by my name. Cassie looked at the Clipboard and smiled, "Oh Okay, Found you! You'll be sharing a room with two people! Don't worry The rooms are HUGE!!" She said as she started walking. I followed her to my room, I was just hoping I didn't get shitty roommates. The hallway was beautiful, I looked at the number plates of each room. "Each floor of this school shows what danger level you are! 1 is the least dangerous 9 is the most dangerous." Cassie said as we got in an elevator, She pressed level 6 "Level doesn't result on how you're treated, I promise!" She said after she saw the concerned look I gave off. "So what level are you on?" I asked, she avoided my question and kept walking when we reached the floor. "Come on!" She skipped over to #6-12. "This is your room have fun!" Cassie walked away to check on some students. I Breathed and turned the knob then-

End of Chapter 1~

Welcome to STSN!!

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