Blending In

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"Nnng..." you let out as you immediately reach up to hold your forehead. Your head felt like literal aids. You slowly creaked your eyes open just to realize, "Fuck." you weren't in your bedroom anymore. You shifted in your spot, realizing you were on the dusty ass ground. 'Outside...?' you thought to yourself before looking down and letting a disappointed face grace your features. 'In my gahtdamn pajamas.' You quickly shook that thought off before letting panic slowly rise in you. 'Wait..why am I outside? Where the fuck am I?' you questioned inside your head before eyeing up the space around you.

Looks like you were behind some wooden cabin like thing. But that didn't make any sense to you. You lived in a city and your house was surrounded by other houses made of brick and shit like that. You hesitantly stopped gripping your forehead and got up on your feet. 'A nigga don't even got shoes...HOW SHITTY CAN THIS GET...' you complained in your head before patting around your pockets. 'Of course I wouldn't have my phone.' You made a whining noise before hearing voices. That slow rising panic suddenly moved faster as you pressed yourself against the wooden building trying to hide your figure from anyone lurking around. After standing there for a good minute and realizing no one was paying attention to you, you stalked around the building to see a group of people that looked like they were all pouring in from somewhere else.

Now while it's LOVELY that you have so much company, the only thing you were thinking of was the fact that they all had a SCARILY familiar uniform on. "You gotta be shittin' me bestie." you said under your breath, trying to make yourself laugh at how fucked this seemed. You weren't one to get hysterical over overwhelming events and you've tried your hand at shifting and shit so your response to this situation made sense. You wanted confirmation that what you thought was happening, was really happening though.

Your eyes scanned around the crowd of people and- 'BINGO.' You saw probably the sweetest boy of all time, Armin Arlert, standing there in all his ADORABLE glory. You didn't wanna baby him but if you were correct, it looks like they're in their training period so they're literally 12. 'Wait if they're 12 then am I still 17..?' you questioned, looking down at your hands as if that could indicate your age. I mean, black don't be cracking so your face wasn't finna indicate anything either... But while that question seemed didn't know if you'd age here or what could happen to you while you were here. YOU DIDN'T EVEN KNOW HOW YOU ENDED UP 'HERE'. Quieting the thoughts in your head, you eyed around a bit longer seeing glimpses of other characters you knew to confirm your situation.

After seeing enough you went further back behind the wooden building and sighed. You sat on the ground and took a deep breath before going over all the facts. 'I'm in the world of Attack on Titan. Most definitely. I have no idea how I got here and no idea how I'ma get my ass back. There's no tech here...OH MY GOD I'MA HAVE BOOBOO STAINS-' You stifled a giggle while you comically frowned at the thought of dookie stains in your underwear.

You suddenly halted. Your eyes went wide as an idea smacked you across the head. 'I am literally a nigga...FUCK' Your world came crashing down. You could deal with being transported into a different world but realizing you were black surrounded by white people (one Asian person) who've never seen a black person before almost made you SHIT yourself. Them doodoo stains was gon come real early... You doubt you'd get hate crimed but people were bound to stare or something. You started to sweat out of nervous crippling anxiety. Dealing with feeling alienated because you were black wasn't new to you but it was different this time. You knew and wanted to impress these characters. And if they got scared of you, THEY COULD LITERALLY FEED YOU TO A TITAN. Hopefully them Tumblr posts was right and everyone would just try to pet you like a sheep and you could move on with your pathetic life.

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