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Changing pov cuz i feel like it LMAOOO.....


Getting out of his seat and pulling his mask down, Levi responded, "Your sleeping quarters are in the cellar."

"The cellar?" You stifled a giggle at the niggatry at hand, "But sir, again?"

"Our safest option. Your abilities are far from being under control."

You turned your back to Levi to look at Eren as well. With an evil grin you started mocking Levi.

"You might go titan in your sleep. One of the many conditions of me having you in custody at all is that I have you under strict security morning, noon, and night." As you mocked him you crinkled up your face like an old stinky man. "While we're in dreamland, you're in restraints." Biting your lip at the restraints part, you saw the corner of Eren's mouth turn up before he made eye contact with Levi and it went back into a straight line. That's when you-


Gripping your head and turning to glare at the short man, you immediately backed down. Baby if looks could kill you'd be right next to X in his grave AND in hell. You almost pissed, shit, and threw up on yoself. How the fuck was this man so beautiful but SO THREATENING at the same time. Then said man, spoke.


"NO. AW HELL NAWL, NO NO NO! DON'T SAY THAT!" You screeched before he could even finish himself. Levi's eyebrow quirked up and looked down at you in confusion.

"Uhm...I'll explain later...Please refrain from saying that word." 'For yo safety AND mines.' With a smack of the lips and roll of the eyes, Levi continued explaining Eren's arrangements to him before walking out. Leaving Eren in a pitiful state, Levi's presence was replaced by Petra's.

"Oh, Eren. Try not to look so discouraged!" She chuckled her way into the room with a broom in hand. Said boy she referred to, jumped and turned to look at her. You on the other hand, smiled and waved at the pretty lady. (Getting a cute little wave back.)

"Sorry, I hope you don't mind me calling you Eren. Captain calls you that and sorta sets the tone for everyone else."

"Uh..Its whatever..Just uh-" Sputtering out a reply, Petra cut him off.

"Everyone reacts that way. Up close and personal, Captain Levi doesn't seem much like the hero he's cracked up to be."

Pitching in to the conversation, you spoke quietly to yourself, "More like an evil little villain."

"Ha- You could put it like that I guess! He is a lot shorter than expected and a bit temperamental."

Coughing and clearing his throat Eren clarified his stance, "It's not that. I'm more put off by his seriousness."

"Well...Eren, you kinda are a teen with the ability to shift into something that's been plaguing mankind for years and you don't even have complete control of it..." You pitched in, though immediately felt bad when Eren's put his head down like a kicked puppy.

"I still trust and love you though so don't be a whiny baby about it, you'll get the hang of it and be helping humanity soon."

Eren's pupils probably grew 5 sizes while looking at you after you said the word love. His heart started pounding madly and he was fighting the blush ready to take over his cheeks. 'I never really thought of how she viewed me after learning about this...power? She's so kind and sweet and loyal and-'

"Pfft-! Okay love birds! Don't let me interrupt your moment!"



You both turned to her, yelling in unison with embarrassed expressions.

"H-Hey that's just how I talk! I didn't mean it like that! Don't make it awkward Petra!!!!"

"Yeah y/n's my friend! She didn't mean it like that!"

Unbeknownst to the both of you, what you both said made a pang of pain hit each other's hearts like a bullet. Though both of you were two stupid to know exactly the cause of said pang. You ARE just friends right?


Sitting in a dark ass room lit by candles, looking like you were at the last supper, you were tuning in and out to whatever the fuck everyone was talking about. You wanted to check your phone instead to see what you had to keep you entertained. This was NOT going to be like last time. While you did that, you were seated next to Eren at the far end of the table across from Levi while everyone else was placed on the sides.

Levi, annoyed by said conversation, continued what he was saying and everyone continued on script from what you could tell.

That's when you heard a loud voice yelled outside of the door as if they ran into it.

'Hange.' You thought.

Petra quickly got up and opened the door for the poor soul and Hange stepped in as if they never rocked their shit on that door.

"I'm so sorry! Good evening, Team Levi!"

'no worries please kiss me. y/n stop being gay.....naur...i dont think i will.'

Fighting with yourself inside your mind, you focused back on Hange's hot ass.

"How is castle life treating everyone?"

"You're too early." Levi commented.

'and you're too short-'

"Am I? S'pose I couldn't help myself!"

"Section Commander Hange?" The boy next to you questioned.

"Hello Eren. (and y/n) In the event you haven't pieced it together yet, it's my job to spearhead the Scout Regiment's research efforts."

'Do I get included in research...? I can't even do anything. I don't even know how I left this..universe? anyways.'

"I'd very much like you guy's help."

"Wait whaaaa-? BOTH of us?" You looked at Hange in utter confusion. Sure your circumstance was weird but you didn't do shit. So??

"Oh don't you worry y/n. No one else knows about you. So we'll have time to look at you after Eren."

Looking at your lap, accepting your fate, you thought to yourself.

'AFTER EREN?? Are they gonna keep me and while Eren's fighting they gon start DOIN QUANTUM PHYSICS ON MY BELLY BUTTON AND SHIT??? Bro how do I even explain something I barely understand? I just know I'm not from here. I guess I know HOW I got here but then I'd have to tell them they're not real?? OH MY GOD WHAT IF I SAY THAT AND THEY CEASE TO EXIST? WHAT IF I CEASE TO EXI-?'

Hearing chairs move loudly, you perked up and saw everyone leaving. 'Oh this is when Hange starts going on a rant right...? I should go too. I'd rather sleep then listen to Hange explain shit I probably already know but- in english and not scientific terms. ' You quietly slipped out with Levi and everyone else and waited for the captain to close the door before speaking.

"U-Uhm...I hate to be annoying but uh- I'm assuming we're sleeping.....? Where am I sleeping?" 'pleasedontsayinthatdirtyasscellwitheren.'

"Mm.." Humming to himself and turning to see his comrades off to bed, Levi let out a sigh before turning his attention back to you.

"Well, you're certainly unaccounted for. I've been considering where to place you this entire time. I doubt there's any room for you anywhere else...and putting you with Jaeger wouldn't be safe..." Turning his back and walking off swiftly, he muttered.

"You'll room with me."

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