ᴍᴇɢᴜᴍɪ x ғ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ғʟᴜғғ

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This just really sucked for you.

The past weeks you had been working furiously hard on all of your school assignments, in hopes of some more free time to enjoy your special day. Though you knew that, despite all your efforts, there would still be some work left to be finished, you had hoped to at least get enough done to have maybe half the day to rest and relish this joyous day.

You weren't particularly fond of the idea of being in the center of the attention and often kept to yourself. You were more of a loner, maybe even tended to be more anti-social, but you were content with that.

Though even for you there were times or moments where you did long for the feeling of being thought of and being in the center of the attention. Your birthday counts as one of those times.

You weren't even sure why you thought of your birthday as something so special, perhaps it was the feeling of having one dedicated day to you. Maybe it was the feeling of remembrance of those around you and some warm greetings. Or perhaps even just the feeling of being treated as someone important, someone loved, as someone remembered and thought of.

That could explain the surge of deep frustration and despair coursing through your veins. The problem you were facing was the struggle of each student in existing. Homework. You did not understand a single thing and it was pushing your mind to the edge, you felt like banging your head on the wall out of frustration.

The display of utter chaos before you did not ease your mind even in the slightest. Your arms were prepped against your wooden desk, holding your face in your hands.

Loose paper was lying around everywhere. The once organized stacks of assignments were now spread around you as you had hit them in blind rage and your pens and pencils had fallen off of your table lying on the ground.

The notes you had written were lost long ago. Whether it was due to you losing them or having them torn into shreds you couldn't tell.

It seemed utterly stupid to you but tears of frustration and rage filled your eyes.

That was not how you envisioned your birthday to pass.

In an attempt to clear your mind and grasp control of your emotions you thought of your one and only savior and moments of despair.

A mug of hot steaming coffee.

Just before you made your way to collect your sweet salvation, you pulled out your phone and contacted Yuji to get some help.

To your bad luck it seemed as if Yuji was just as clueless as you were. Perhaps even worse than you considering that he wasn't even aware of the fact you had Homework and Assignments to finish to begin with. Nobara was out on a mission with the 2nd years and so was Gojo.

Your only remaining option now was asking Megumi. You were hesitant about going to ask him for help. You were convinced that he had finished all of his work long ago, he did not need as much time as you did after all. He was smart, perceptive and was able to quickly understand things.

You on the other hand struggled at times to keep up with your train of thoughts. It was something you both admired and were envious of Megumi.

You heaved a deep sigh and went to pick up your belongings on the ground, trying to organize as much as you could in hopes of finding at least the most important notes.

Having a more clear overview of your previous disastrous chaos you made your way to the vending machine. The coffee from it was nowhere near comparable to the ones you would occasionally enjoy in a Café, but at least you had access to the caffeine rich brew.

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