Chapter 1

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"You've seriously never had your first kiss before?" I look around Ryan's basement starting to get a little frustrated with her but I can't help remembering all of our memories in this bassment It's always been my escape from home from life whenever I'm feeling sad or overwhelmed. It was the first place I ever got drunk first place I've ever smoked once her dad caught us but he's chill so he just pretended to get mad now that we're older he leaves beers for us in the fridge. I love Ryan she just isn't great at keeping secrets like why'd she have to tell Kyle that I've never had my first kiss it all started with a game of truth or dare.

5 mins earlier

"Truth or dare?" I ask realizing I don't really have anything in mind I just pray he chooses truth.

"Truth" I'm stuck on what to ask I mean it's kinda complicated between them and I don't want to make it awkward suddenly it pops into my head.

"How many bodies?"It's not the best question but it will have to work.


"I have 0 zero bodies" Ryan chimes sarcastically "I'm saving myself for marriage like the puritan christian girl I am"I make a lude gesture involving my mouth and she throws a pillow at me and we all start laughing.

"That's a lot of talk from someone who's never had their first kiss" and now we've come full circle to the dreaded question Ryan's first kiss was Kyle they're kinda confusing.It all started when Kyle asked Ryan for nudes she sent them then they started hanging out eventually he started coming over to her house more than I did It's all very romantic and now they're 'hanging out' (Ryan gets made when I call him her boyfriend).


"Yes I've never had my first kiss" I continue

"Why you saving yourself for marriage?"

"No, just no one has ever wanted to kiss me."


"Dude look at me"I continue

"Oh don't be like that no one cares about that stuff anymore, you know what I'll be your first kiss"

"Absolutely not I'm not kissing Ryan's sloppy seconds"

"Hey you'd be lucky to kiss Ryan's sloppy seconds" He almost looks hurt his ego is definitely a little bruised

"Please Kyle we all know that if Violet were to have her first kiss with anyone in this room it would be with me"Ryan interjects I blow her a kiss and she catches it

"Do we have any beer?" I gaze longingly at the fridge pretending I have x ray vision.

"Yeah there's a twisted and some angry orchards in the fridge" Ryan reptiles

"Can you get me one?"Kyle asks

"Sure"I grab the twisted, an angry orchard, and a blue moon and I hand them out Kyle grabs the blue moon I take the twisted and wait for Ryan to grab the last one

"Nahh you deserve it."

"I love you" I open up the twisted and down it Kyle looks at me in shock

"Damn how dude you do that"

"Well first you take the can and put it to your lips then....and here's the important part you open your mouth tilt it and swallow"

"Oh shut up I meant how did you do it so quickly"

"Go easy on him he's a stoner not a drinker"Ryan interjects

"Yeah listen to her" he goes to drink his beer "Eww this is so gross"

"Let me try" he hands the bottle to Ryan and she takes a sip "you're so dramatic that tastes fine"

"Wait I want to try" I interject and she hands me the bottle I drink it and finish it "It tastes fine to me"

"Wait what happened to your other beer"

"I drank it"

"What how"

"do you seriously want to go over this again"he rolls his eyes

"Leave her alone she hasn't been able to drink all school year"

"Yeah listen to Ryan" we continue talking for a little while about school, Kyle's job ,and parents.eventually Kyles phone rings

"Who is it" Ryan looks almost jealous and I question how honest those two are when they say they aren't in a relationship.

"It's James" I think of the guy who I've been at odds with since fifth grade that's when he moved here he was this bright eyed ten year old. I remember talking to Ryan about how I wanted to become friends with him but when I tried to talk to him he pushed me to the ground I remember looking into his cruel eyes and seeing hatred mixed with something I couldn't place I have never been one for subtlety told him off I looked up at him then looked down at the bruises forming and thought of the meanest things I could think of and said it I felt bad but I was 10 and I felt hurt and betrayed and I've was never one for violence I always found that words hurt more.

"Ewwwwww" Me and Ryan say in unison she hates him almost as much as I do when I told her the story she was ready to kick his ass but I got her to stay away and let me deal with it. Kyle rolls his eyes and picks up the phone.

"Hey James what's up" Kyle puts his fingers to his mouth I look at Ryan and I looks like we had the same Idea

"Ohhhhhhhh mmmmmm yes yes yes oh right there" I start and Ryan continues

"Yeah Kyle keep going ummm ahhhhhhh you're so good never stop" we start laughing like hell Kyle looks annoyed.

"What? it's nothing Ryan and Violet are just being assholes"

"Sorry Kyle we just couldn't keep it in you just bring it out of us" at that I start laughing even more Kyle walks away it's probably important so we stop bothering him.

"Hey guess what" Ryan whispers to me

"What" I whisper back

"I got tequila"

"Did I remember to tell you that you're my best friend"

"I'll never forget it" I practically run up stairs I find a cutting board, lime and some salt. and bolt back down stairs I pour a shot and drink it and remember I have school tomorrow morning god dammit.

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